Film Producer: Shen Yun ‘A show that needs to be seen’

Film Producer: Shen Yun ‘A show that needs to be seen’
Caroline Russo attends Shen Yun Performing Arts at Arts Theatre, Gold Coast, on April 24. Courtesy of NTD Television

GOLD COAST, Australia–“So very, very well done,” said Caroline Russo, Media PR and events and film producer after experiencing Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Arts Theatre, The Arts Centre Gold Coast on April 24.

“It was absolutely beautifully done, it was gorgeous,” she said. “Extremely well done.”

Shen Yun is based in up-state New York and has classical Chinese dance at its heart, but it also includes folk and ethnic dance, mini-dramas depicting myths and legends, solo singing performances, and an orchestra with a mix of Western and Chinese instruments.

The final performance Buddha’s Compassion Shines Forth really touched Ms. Russo’s heart.

“Beautiful, beautiful,” she said. “The mastership of the flags within the dance,very well skilled and the acrobat performance, it was just well done, it was beautiful.”

The program book states, “the curtain opens to a scene of Falun Dafa followers peacefully practicing their meditative exercises around the world. The scene turns to China where a young couple suddenly faces persecution for doing the same.”

Ms. Russo felt the storytelling “carried the message of it being very spiritual.”

She said, “It’s expression of dance. … It was beautifully worked and directed with the dances. Just the colour, the movement of colour that was obviously worked in with the costumes.”

She appreciated the emcees giving a brief introduction to each performance saying that enhanced her understanding of what she saw.

“The fact of the opera singers, with having the words in the background made you actually understand the spiritual message that was coming through. That was really well done. And again to the expression that was done with the dance and the performers and again the whole story telling of the show.”

Ms. Russo felt there was a message in Shen Yun, she felt the dancers were dancing “purely from the heart space.”

She said, “It was all about the truth, it was all about hope and believing and that we have to believe in the right things, remain positive and be able to work with the creator.”

Ms. Russo thought Shen Yun was beautiful and could not understand why it could not be performed in China. She said, “I think it is sad that a show like this can’t be performed in China. I don’t understand that sometimes the politics interfere with things like this. I find it sad that it interferes.”

She wanted to send “congratulations to everybody that is in the show. To all the lead actors and to the story tellers and the orchestra, absolutely exquisite, well done. Keep performing, it was beautiful.”

Mr. Russo felt words could not explain the Shen Yun experience.

“It is a show that needs to be seen to understand and it’s exquisite with its costumes, performance and storytelling,” she said.

Ms. Russo is currently an owner and managing director of Golden Eye Eagle Productions, China Australia Chamber of CEO, Caroline Russo Media and PR Events & GC Indie Film & TV Network in Queensland. She is a passionate supporter of the Entertainment Industry and is driven to achieve a fantastic result for those she works with.

Reporting by NTD Television and Leigh Smith

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006