Fauci Smears Republicans Who Don’t Like to Be Told What to Do

Fauci Smears Republicans Who Don’t Like to Be Told What to Do
Then NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci pauses during a TV interview outside the White House in Washington on March 12, 2020. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)
Jeffrey A. Tucker
The documentary of Anthony Fauci on American Masters from PBS, funded by your tax dollars, keeps paying high returns. The film follows the highest-paid government employee, and now its most well-heeled pensioner, to Ward 8 in Washington, D.C. (Anacostia) where he condescends to residents who have a pretty good sense of what’s what.

In the most famous clip circulating online, a real American stands up to Fauci’s campaign of fear and denounces him. Fauci walks away while the guy is dropping truth bombs. As Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo says: “I like this guy!”

Less well examined were Fauci’s offhand comments that he makes to the D.C. mayor when she asks him “What are we going to do about these other states?”

Fauci answers: “Oh my god. They are going to keep the outbreak smoldering in the country. It’s so crazy. They are not doing it because they say they don’t want to do it. They are Republicans and don’t like to be told what to do. We’ve got to break this, you know, unpack that.”

Well, well. I guess in Fauci’s hothouse of bigotry, it’s just fine to characterize anyone who resisted the shot as a deranged Republican who cares nothing about the health of others. Then he immediately offers an aspiration to “break this.” It’s absolutely grotesque actually, the demonization of dissent and the ruling-class prejudice behind it.

We know what “these other states” are: Georgia, Florida, Texas, and so on. Here we have the coastal bias at work with all their Ivy pedigrees. They have looked down on the South for ages and rendering them as obstinately diseased people is just part of the same game.

The film was apparently shot in 2021, probably after the summer months when the New York Times discovered that counties that voted for Trump tend to be less vaccinated than others. And that was exactly when the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” lie came about and was broadcast all over the major media. It was an attempt to shame people for their personal decisions.

Every vaccine needs to pass three tests: necessary, effective, and safe. This one didn’t even get close to passing the first test. It was never necessary for anyone not vulnerable to medically significant outcomes. If the vaccine actually worked to reduce the likelihood of death, the age gradient would have ruled it out for children (obviously) and most working-age adults. Under the best assumptions, and based on knowledge we had since at least February 2020, this vaccine was never necessary for the vast swath of the population.

Next we come to the effective part. The vaccine in those days was said to stop transmission and infection or, at least, minimize symptoms. As it turns out, the vaccine makers never promised such a thing. All other claims about its miraculous capacity to stop COVID were entirely made up as propaganda to market the vaccine made by companies that paid the bureaucracies hundreds of millions of dollars.

In other words, it was a racket all along. And Fauci later admitted it: a paper this past January that he co-authored said, “Attempting to control mucosal respiratory viruses with systemically administered non-replicating vaccines has thus far been largely unsuccessful.”

As for safety, the adverse events-reporting systems have never exploded this much with detailed evidence of injury. Every expert I know has plainly said that it is the least safe vaccine ever approved, and that’s saying something.

So this cruel demonization campaign against the unvaccinated was entirely misdirected. And you get a hint from the film’s depiction of the resistance in Ward 8. After a long history of abuse at the hands of elite white medical specialists in America, many black people are rightly skeptical at the government’s great plans to ensure their health and well-being.

While it is superficially true that more of the unvaccinated are located in states where Trump won majorities, they are not necessarily the same people. The vaccine uptake rate among black Americans was the lowest among all demographics precisely because they don’t like people telling them what to do, and rightly so. This is not because they are Trump voters but because they can smell a rat, a skill which comes from long experience.

One wishes that more Americans would have been resistant to being told what to do. Republicans went along with lockdowns far more than they should have and this is only because the initial orders came via the Trump administration. If it had been Obama who attempted this, there would have been an uprising around the country. But because the orders came from an unexpected place, people were initially confused into compliance.

But by 2021 when Fauci made his grand tour, there was new clarity about the whole COVID enterprise, and the resistance started to grow. Now you see forming a completely new coalition of voters from Atlanta to Anacostia who have had it with elite rule of their lives.

In the same film of Fauci, there is another revealing moment when Fauci is standing there in his living room and his phone rings. It is Jared Kushner calling him on the day of Biden’s inauguration. Kushner praises Fauci for his wonderful work during the pandemic. Did you need any more evidence of what a snake in the grass he actually has been all along?

Kushner was with Trump on March 14–15, 2020, when Trump was talked into lockdowns. Kushner himself reports that he was seriously influential over the decision, and then got to work ordering thousands of ventilators that ended up killing a great number of people. After all this carnage, he has the gall to ring up Fauci and say he did a great job. When the full history of this tragic period comes out, Kushner will no doubt play a leading role.

In the official narrative, Fauci remains a great hero. In reality, he is anything but. He helped plot the lockdowns to distract from his own role in funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan that he was convinced came from a lab, and then plotted to lie about it. That’s where all the evidence points. Then he backed a public-health response that wrecked American liberty and prosperity.

His way is to parade as The Science even while disregarding all scientific evidence that his every decision for the last three years created a public health and economic crisis without precedent in our lifetimes. He knew the truth but chose to cover it up. He had plenty of accomplices in media, technology, government, and the pharmaceutical industry. But in the end, it’s all on his head. Just as the man on the porch in Anacostia said, he ran a campaign of fear to get compliance for his personal gain.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Jeffrey A. Tucker is the founder and president of the Brownstone Institute and the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press, as well as 10 books in five languages, most recently “Liberty or Lockdown.” He is also the editor of “The Best of Ludwig von Mises.” He writes a daily column on economics for The Epoch Times and speaks widely on the topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.
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