White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci revealed he should have been “much more careful” in his messaging during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic but claimed many of his public comments were misinterpreted.
Later, he asserted that many of his comments to the media were taken out of context. Since early 2020, Fauci has given hundreds of interviews to various media outlets.
In the early stages of COVID-19’s spread in the United States, Republicans often criticized Fauci for his often dire predictions. Fauci also repeatedly promoted lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, mask mandates, and vaccine requirements.
“You have to be very careful. It is really unfortunate that that’s the world in which we live, in that it’s a bunch of sound bites, sound bites that sometimes get cut in half and get misinterpreted,” Fauci said Wednesday. “Someone could always make mischief by clipping out a few words.”
Republican lawmakers, who are widely predicted to at least retake the House after the 2022 midterms, have indicated they would investigate Fauci and promised more hearings. On Wednesday, Fauci indicated that he would be willing to testify.Congressional hearings featuring Fauci have proven to be contentious. During one exchange with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) last year about whether the National Institutes of Health provided funding to a third-party group to carry out controversial gain-of-function research on bat coronavirus, Fauci said his agency did not fund gain-of-function research.
What’s more, Fauci said that he “never lied before Congress” during an especially testy exchange with Paul, criticizing the senator—himself a doctor—by saying that “you do not know what you are talking about.”

The National Intelligence Council in 2021 released an assessment on the origins of the virus, reporting that the 17-agency intelligence community “remains divided on the most likely origin” of the virus. Some of its members suspected at the time that a “natural exposure to an infected animal” sparked the pandemic, while others believe it was “a laboratory-associated incident,” according to the report.