AUSTIN, Texas—Shen Yun Performing Arts, a global sensation, performed 14 shows on Saturday, Jan. 7. Seven of its eight touring companies took to the stage on the same day, spanning three continents around the world.
“That was fascinating,” said Mr. Carpenter, a business owner. “It was very moving.”
Ms. Graves enjoyed the storytelling experience Shen Yun created through multiple performing art forms.
“They pulled it all together so well. The way they brought it in on the stage ... and then brought it all together was very thought-provoking,” Ms. Graves said.
Mr. Carpenter added, “All the stories were really fascinating, very thought-provoking.”
Courage and Virtue
Also in the audience was Jessica Pennington, an investigative researcher whose work currently involves exposing how much land in Texas is actually owned by Chinese state entities.She attended the performance with her husband, , and though they arrived late, Mrs. Pennington said that the moment she saw the performance, “I was just crying like a baby, it was beautiful.”

“[It] was just stunning, it was breathtaking,” she said. “I used to live in China. And in China, it was beautiful to be invited into the villages and seeing what little bit of beautiful Chinese culture was left. because communism kills and destroyed everything it touches, but there’s still a little bit of hope when I left.”
Shen Yun is known for its revival of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. More specifically, as stated on its website in recent years, this is China before communism.
Mrs. Pennington said, “That was really beautiful, to experience in China and then to come back here and to see the full force of the beautiful traditions that China has. It’s just stunning. It’s breathtaking, and I was crying the entire time.”
“Because it’s beautiful, and to stand up for truth is something that is very brave and courageous,” she said. “Courage is a virtue that all other virtues rest upon. And without it we couldn’t have any virtue ... and even for just performing, just the way they show the beautifulness of Chinese traditions—thank you for doing that.”