South Korean Man Overcomes Decades of Suffering From Illnesses Through Miraculous Practice

South Korean Man Overcomes Decades of Suffering From Illnesses Through Miraculous Practice
Lee Yong-Hwa, a 63-year-old South Korean entrepreneur, recovered from various illnesses, after he took up Falun Gong. (Courtesy of Lee Yong-Hwa)
Lisa Bian

In an extraordinary tale of triumph over adversity, Lee Yong-Hwa, a 63-year-old South Korean entrepreneur, has emerged victorious after battling various illnesses for over three decades. Despite the despair caused by numerous failed attempts to find relief, Lee’s life took an unexpected turn when all his ailments vanished, thanks to a newfound practice.

“In the prime of my life, I suffered from various illnesses, and despite trying countless remedies, nothing worked. In my despair, I even contemplated suicide... Then, one day, all my illnesses suddenly vanished, and for the first time in my life, I felt light and free from disease,” said 63-year-old Lee Yong-Hwa.

On July 9, the president of a South Korean trading company, Lee Yong-Hwa, shared his remarkable journey in an interview with Epoch Times reporters.

The Struggle to Find Relief

Born into an ordinary rural family in South Korea, Lee Yong-Hwa’s life took a dark turn at the age of 10 when he was struck by relentless waves of debilitating illnesses. Stubborn hives tormented him with unbearable itching, robbing him of precious sleep. Despite resorting to medications with severe side effects, the symptoms persisted, and other health issues began to emerge.

Over the next two decades, Lee faced an arduous battle with hives, allergic colitis, insomnia, migraines, and digestive problems, among others. Although the hives miraculously disappeared when he turned 30, the relentless grip of chronic colitis, requiring two hemorrhoid surgeries, and severe nasal congestion necessitating septoplasty and sinus surgery, continued to torment him.

At the age of 38, an enlarged left adrenal gland, housing a significant tumor, caused extreme fatigue, which was alleviated only after surgical intervention. Although the tumor was benign, after the surgery, a strange illness plagued him, causing wandering pains throughout his body, affecting both joints and muscles. Despite seeking numerous medical opinions, a diagnosis remained elusive.

The pain and suffering brought on by his illnesses drove Lee to the brink of despair, leading him to contemplate suicide on multiple occasions. However, the thought of his young children ultimately dissuaded him from acting on such notions, and he persevered through the agony.

An Ordinary Decision, Extraordinary Results

Five years later, fate intervened during a warm spring day in Seoul. While strolling through a park with his family, Lee stumbled upon a booklet titled “The Path to True Health.” Being sensitive to the word “health,” he decided to take a look. Cautiously intrigued, he decided to give it a chance, despite past disappointments with false remedies.

Little did he know that this seemingly ordinary decision would prove to be the turning point in his life.

The booklet recounted stories of Falun Gong practitioners from around the world, whose miraculous recoveries from incurable diseases and spiritual transformations intrigued Lee. Deciding to give Falun Gong a try, he joined a group practicing in a nearby park every morning.

During the exercises, Lee felt a powerful surge of energy flowing through his hands, akin to an electric current, creating a tingling sensation. Fascinated by the experience, he delved into Falun Gong’s primary book, “Zhuan Falun,” despite being initially overwhelmed by years of severe insomnia, which caused him to fall asleep while he was reading the book.

Through the profound teachings of Falun Gong, Lee gained clarity on the root causes of his prolonged suffering, the importance of cultivating virtuous conduct, and the path to spiritual purification.

“Through the book, I understood the root causes of my prolonged suffering from illnesses and learned why it is essential to be a good person and avoid wrongdoing,” he said.

Incredibly, within a week of practicing Falun Gong, Lee was astonished to find that the strange post-surgery illness, along with his long-standing insomnia and migraines, had vanished without a trace. Overflowing with joy, he embraced Falun Gong wholeheartedly, becoming a devoted practitioner.

From that moment forward, Lee’s life was filled with hope and good health, and he proudly declared, “For the past 20 years, I have been in excellent health, and I haven’t taken a single pill.”

From Struggle to Success: Flourishing Family and Thriving Business

Having endured immense suffering from his illnesses, Lee’s disposition transformed from being withdrawn and impatient to patient and understanding. His relationships with family members, particularly his wife and children, became more harmonious, with their support and encouragement for his practice growing over time.

In an unforeseen twist, Lee’s professional life also flourished. Assigned to lead a newly established subsidiary for his company, despite economic difficulties and his lack of prior experience in management, Lee defied all odds and achieved unprecedented success. The subsidiary thrived, experiencing remarkable growth within a few short years.

Lee attributed his company’s accomplishments to adhering to the principles of Falun Gong, emphasizing truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. This ethical approach fostered strong, long-term partnerships with clients and employee loyalty, with many staff members having worked alongside Lee for over two decades.

“I always tell my employees to consider others first and to avoid using inappropriate means, such as denigrating others, to promote themselves. We strive for fair trade,” he said.

Lee Yong-Hwa’s life journey, once fraught with suffering and despair, has blossomed into a tale of hope, health, and triumph, all thanks to the miraculous practice of Falun Gong.

Falun Gong’s Remarkable Health Benefits

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual practice that was introduced by Master Li Hongzhi from China in 1992. Guided by the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance,” Falun Gong emphasizes self-cultivation and self-improvement, encouraging practitioners to become better individuals by elevating their moral character. It includes five sets of exercises, including meditation.

While Falun Gong does not claim to be a medical treatment, it has shown remarkable effects in promoting health and well-being. The majority of practitioners have reported improved physical health through their practice.

In May 1998, the Chinese National Sports Bureau (at the time) conducted a survey among Falun Gong practitioners. Among the 12,553 surveyed practitioners, 10,475 individuals (83.4 percent) reported having one or more health conditions before practicing Falun Gong. After practicing for a period ranging from two to three months up to two to three years, the physical conditions of these practitioners significantly improved. The recovery rate and basic recovery rate reached 77.5 percent, with an additional 20.4 percent showing improvement, resulting in a total effective rate of 97.9 percent.

A survey published in 2020 in the “Health Behavior and Policy Review,” which included over a thousand Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners, revealed that their average scores in eight indicators of “physical health” and “mental health” were significantly higher than those of the general population. While there was no significant difference in scores for “physical function” and “social function” between Falun Gong practitioners and the general population, the average scores for the other six indicators were notably higher among Falun Gong practitioners. In the categories of “physical health status” and “role limitations due to emotional problems,” Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated significant advantages over the general population. Moreover, Falun Gong practitioners aged 65 and above scored significantly higher than the general population across all eight physical and mental health indicators.

Research also investigated the prevalence of chronic diseases among Falun Gong practitioners, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, lung diseases, and hypertension. The findings showed that following the practice, 70 percent to 89 percent of these diseases had improved or been healed.

Lisa Bian, B.Med.Sc., is a healthcare professional holding a Bachelor's Degree in Medical Science. With a rich background, she has accrued over three years of hands-on experience as a Traditional Chinese Medicine physician. In addition to her clinical expertise, she serves as an accomplished writer based in Korea, providing valuable contributions to The Epoch Times. Her insightful pieces cover a range of topics, including integrative medicine, Korean society, culture, and international relations.
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