‘Everything Is Just Wonderful!’ in Shen Yun

‘Everything Is Just Wonderful!’ in Shen Yun
Mike Scott enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh on May 21, 2018. (NTD Television)

“Loved it. Absolutely loved it ... It’s superb.”

“The dance, the costumes, the music, the digital effects, it’s the full package. It’s wonderful, thoroughly enjoyed it.”

“It’s a sort of passage through history.”

“To see the different ethnic groups, the different groups through history, everything’s just been superb!”

“The music is just wonderful. The performers are just … I don’t know how they do it!”

“They’re just wonderful. I keep using words that are almost over the top, but everything is just wonderful.”

“When you look across all the cultures in the world, not just Chinese, not just the UK, the values are important and history is important to take forward.”

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