Much of the recent reporting on election integrity is the result of volunteer citizens groups in the various states conducting their own investigations, as well as the canvassing of voters in their counties and states to verify voter registration rolls and that votes counted during the primary, general, and special elections were cast by authorized voters. One such organization in South Dakota has recently completed and compiled election integrity-related statistics from the November 2020 general election.
A citizens volunteer organization, South Dakota Canvassing Group, has presented its analysis of the 2020 elections to the South Dakota Secretary of State (SoS) and county auditors for the purpose of stimulating action to update the voter rolls before the November midterm election by removing voters who are deceased, moved to another location, or been inactive for two general elections.
Here are some of the findings from its analysis.
While the election was certified on Nov. 10, 2020, the official SoS website showed the total votes cast shifting upwards and downwards at periodic times through Dec. 29, 2021. In addition, the official tabulation posted on April 2, 2021, showed a peculiar discrepancy: 427,529 ballots were cast in the state while 422,609 ballots were reported to have been cast by county.

A total of 4,379 ballots cast in 2020 could not be connected to a registered voter.
- 163 voters registered to vote after Nov. 3.
- 552 voters registered on Nov. 3 of whom 49 voted in the election.
- 260 voters registered between Oct. 20 and Nov. 3.
- 11 voters voted twice.
- 256 voters were over 120 years old.
- 146 new voters who voted on Nov. 3 but were not previously recorded.
- 601 voter records removed.
- 36 new voters registered between Sept. 22 and Dec. 21, 2021, who voted in the Nov. 3, 2020 election.
- 18 blank records of voters who voted on Nov. 3.
- 1,113 voters had non-military out-of-country addresses in Poland, South Korea, Thailand, France, Ireland, etc.
- 1,893 votes were recorded from campground, hotel, and motel addresses.
- 328 votes were recorded from invalid addresses with no street address listed.
- 150 votes were recorded from the addresses of police stations, non-profit organizations, government buildings, and Walmart.
- 361 total houses were reached in the three counties.
- 96 percent of those contacted on Feb. 5 had voter roll discrepancies.
- 92 percent of those contacted voters on March 15 had voter roll discrepancies.
- 4 homes were vacant.
- 38 of South Dakota’s 66 counties used ballot drop boxes to collect ballots during the election.
- 29 counties monitored the drop boxes with video footage.
- While drop box video is election material and, like other election materials, must be kept for 22 months in accordance with federal law, no counties in South Dakota kept the video footage.
What might a citizens canvassing group find in your state?