European Central Bank’s Draghi Hints at Easing

The minute the president’s words hit the tape, stocks in Europe and the common euro currency turned up.
European Central Bank’s Draghi Hints at Easing
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi speaks during a regular monetary dialogue at the European Parliament in Brussels, July 9. Thursday, Draghi’s reassuring comments in support of the euro sent stock markets soaring. (Thierry Charlier/AFP/GettyImages)
Valentin Schmid
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1784230" title="European Central Bank President Mario Dr" src="" alt="" width="590" height="392"/></a>

European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi spoke at an investment conference in London Thursday and surprised markets with his reassuring statements: “Within our mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it will be enough.”

Valentin Schmid is a former business editor for the Epoch Times. His areas of expertise include global macroeconomic trends and financial markets, China, and Bitcoin. Before joining the paper in 2012, he worked as a portfolio manager for BNP Paribas in Amsterdam, London, Paris, and Hong Kong.
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