Riddles: Can You Solve All 8?
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Riddles: Can You Solve All 8?
A woman shoots the victim seven times. After a while, she does another three shots at the dead body. The policeman nearby doesn't say a word. What happened?
Turn me and I'll be infinite. Cut me in half and I'll be zero. What am I?
Complete the chain: J, ?, M, ?, M, ?, J, ?, S, O, N, D
What was the highest mountain in the world before Mt. Everest was discovered?
No please, if you give me water I'll die! Give me wood instead! Don't you see what I am?
"Sorry, I know you are the Hotel Owner, but I can't pay you right now! Can I give you one of my houses?"
Which game are they playing?
Brothers and sisters have I none, but this man's father is my father's son! Who is that man?
Only you can solve this chain, here is it!
Try again! You can improve.
That's a great effort. Well done!
This will blow up your mind!
Well done! You really know how to solve riddles.
This will blow up your mind!
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