There has been a tremendous amount of racial strife, turmoil, and division of late. It seems as if every time you read or watch news reports or check out popular podcasts, people are talking about race relations or the way in which race is exploited in one form or another.
The recent rise, and subsequent rejection by the masses, of the hyper-divisive woke agenda, raised a number of thought-provoking questions.
How were blacks manipulated into voting for the Democrat Party and buying into Marxist (and anti-Christian/anti-family) organizations such as Black Lives Matter (BLM), both of which face increasing scrutiny for their murky dealings?
Why has the Democrat Party embraced race as its primary focus? Does this serve to present its anti-capitalist, anti-family politics in a more virtuous light, as well as helping Democrats keep their ever-slipping grip on the “black vote?” Why are most BLM supporters young white leftists? And has the all-too-common smear of “racist” become a cheap accusation to intimidate and shut down any opposing political dialogue, let alone alternative viewpoints?
Documentary film director Martin Durkin, dubbed “the Michael Moore of the right,” delves deeply into these questions and more in his 2021 documentary “Great American Race Game.” Using thorough, fact-based research and insightful interviews with prominent black historians, civil rights leaders, activists, and business leaders, Durkin explores black history and its links to modern times.

Veteran civil rights activist and community development leader Robert Woodson, interviewed in the film, says that since the beginning of the 1960s, he has witnessed the disintegration of the black family, the dramatic rise of black crime, and the descent of black neighborhoods into abject lawlessness.
Despite that, Woodson refuses to accept that “racism” is the cause of black people’s precarious state. He cites a plethora of statistics such as black crime and pregnancy (out of wedlock) rates and points out that many of the “naysayers” try to hitch these figures up to the legacy of slavery and discrimination. In his view, blaming everything on slavery is patently wrong and untrue.
Woodson points to history to back up his claims, stating that after slavery ended, there was indeed racism and discrimination across the United States. However, he also accurately points out that when blacks were turned away from white businesses (such as stores and hotels), they built their own. When they didn’t have access to schools, blacks built their own.

Even in former slave states such as North Carolina, a quarter of blacks were homeowners—not far from the number of white homeowners at the time. In other words, blacks were thriving despite continued racism and segregation. These are undeniable historical facts.
Blacks became outstanding leaders in the legal system, education, math and science, industry, curation, the arts, finance, publishing—as a 1950s film clip says, “in every walk of life.” Indeed, throughout the 1940s and 50s, black businesses grew exponentially in comparison to those of other ethnic groups.

The film interviews Walter Williams, one of America’s most distinguished economists. Williams recalls a time (in the 1940s and 50s) when, he says, blacks were a proud people. No matter what their chosen occupation, blacks were taught to rely on their own hard work, rather than government help. Like many black people back then, Williams says that his step-father instilled a solid work ethic within him, telling him that “any job is better than begging or stealing,” and that he must “come early and stay late” at a job.
The narrator also points out that in those days, black communities were strong, with much of their communal strength coming from having the church as a central hub in their neighborhoods. This helped marriage rates stay high and divorce rates stay low. Back then, it was also almost unheard of for black babies to be born out of wedlock.

Bevelyn Beatty Williams, who gained fame for smearing black paint on the Black Lives Matter mural in front of Trump Tower in New York, adds that “back in the day, black people were Christians … especially black Americans: we were strong Christians.” Raised in an environment of turmoil, Williams was headed down a self-destructive path that included drugs, assault, and jail time. She credits her Christian faith with saving her from an early grave.
Woodson states that between 1920 and 1940, black people had the highest marriage rates of any ethnic group in the United States. A whopping 85 percent of black families had both a man and a woman in the home raising their children together. What happened to the black family, perhaps the most fragmented family structure in the United States today?
The narrator then poses another question. How did the self-reliant, law-abiding black neighborhoods of the first half of the 20th century descend into the terrifying, lawless hellscapes of today? The film goes on to examine the multifaceted reasons for the destruction of black pride and confidence.
One of the things that I enjoyed about this documentary is that it systematically breaks down the many factors that contributed to the difficulties that black people have faced in modern times. By looking back to the past with historical accuracy, viewers learn of the murky forces that fueled American race politics and contributed to the various challenges facing black people today.
The film makes one thing abundantly clear: the Democrat Party’s grip on blacks is slipping as more information comes to light.
“Great American Race Game” is a well-produced film that feeds the mind. It incisively delves into the heart of racial matters; exposing the real reasons for present racial strife and division in the United States.
While searching online for information about this film, I could find very little information about it. I also found it odd that although it has been out for over a year, the film only has one review—albeit a telling one—on the online film database IMDb: “Challenge your spoon-fed assumptions. I’m left wondering why I am the first to review this outstanding film? Is it Big Tech at work yet again? Censoring us right into 1984. Stand up, people of all races. Stop the tyranny before it consumes us all.”
‘Great American Race Game’