Epidemic of Sudden Adult Deaths Finally Made News

Epidemic of Sudden Adult Deaths Finally Made News
Joseph Mercola

Insurance industry research from 2016 showed that group life policyholders are considerably healthier than the general U.S. population. They tend to be younger, well-educated, and employed with Fortune 500 companies. So, what happened in 2021 to turn the tables so dramatically?


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Story at-a-Glance

  • Former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd is bringing attention to the surge in deaths and disability that has occurred since the COVID-19 shot campaign rolled out.
  • Group life policyholders, who are typically healthier than the general population, experienced mortality spikes of 40 percent in 2021.
  • Disability numbers among the workforce reached a high of 33.2 million in September 2022, with numbers still trending up—a highly unusual increase.
  • Central banks, pharmaceutical companies, Big Tech, and the media all benefited from the pandemic and have an interest in covering up what Dowd describes as a “large global murder scene.”
  • Dowd believes there’s enough alarming data to warrant the COVID-19 shot program being stopped immediately, as the death and disability from the shots could easily exceed that from COVID-19.
Former BlackRock analyst and fund manager Edward Dowd is one of the brave few who have been trying to get the word out about the dangers of COVID-19 shots. While I’ve interviewed him twice—once about the mathematical certainty of a financial collapse and a second time about his book, “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,”—his information is finally getting mainstream media attention.
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, he explains that media outlets like Yahoo have picked up on the undeniable increase in deaths among young, healthy adults. However, they’re quick to state that such deaths are not due to COVID-19 shots. (1) But Dowd isn’t deterred. As A Midwestern Doctor noted on Substack: (2)
“Ed Dowd has focused on utilizing a narrower set of evidence and tying it to one of the most persuasive arguments currently available for shifting the narrative. A statistically impossible spike in sudden deaths has occurred in the healthiest segment of the population and has happened in tandem with a spike in disability (this is why we are now having labor shortages).”
Dowd is intent on bringing global attention to this surge in deaths and disability that has occurred since the COVID-19 shot campaign rolled out, and he’s not willing to let anyone, or any entity, stop him. “We have the data. We have the evidence,” he says, “and there’s a large global murder scene that just occurred.” (3)

Insurance Company Data Reveal 40 Percent Death Surge

“Cause Unknown” details data showing the shots are a crime against humanity. Some of that data comes from private insurance companies, which love to sell group life insurance policies to large Fortune 500 corporations and mid-sized companies because they hardly ever have to pay out on a claim.
Workers at these corporations tend to be in good health, with industry data suggesting the group life policyholders have one-third the mortality rate of the general U.S. population. The death rates have historically been highly predictable among this group—until 2021. A report released by the Society of Actuaries (4) found mortality spikes of 40 percent or more that year.
Insurance companies had sizable increases in payouts for death and disability. Dowd tweeted Feb. 1, 2022, that financial insurance company Unum reported a significant increase in their benefit ratio (payouts versus premiums) in their life segment. Dowd tweeted: (5)
“In 2021 they saw a 17.4% increase vs 2020. This is higher than the 13.3% increase vs 2019. So the higher payouts in 21 are occurring with a miracle vaccine & less virulent strains … In 2019 the unit had $266 million profit, last year a profit of $82 million & this year a loss of -$192 million. A swing of $458 million lower over 2 years. Important to remember these are employed working age folks.”
Dowd also reported data from funeral homes, including the company Carriage Services, which was flooded with business. He tweeted: (6)
“Business has been quite good since the introduction of the vaccines & the stock was up 106% in 2021. Curious no? Guys this is shocking as 89% of Funeral homes are private in US. We are seeing the tip of the iceberg.”
Steve Kirsch also published data on Substack (7) showing that, among the COVID-jabbed aged 65 and younger, sudden death was the No. 1 cause of death in 2021 and 2022. The second was cardiac-related death and cancer was third. Importantly, the incidence of turbo-charged cancer among the jabbed was significant in this group, and myocarditis killed more than COVID-19.
In addition to sudden deaths, cardiac issues became a major cause of death in vaccinated young people under the age of 65. No myocarditis deaths were seen among unvaxxed people in the same age group.

Disability Numbers Skyrocket

Dowd also looked into the number of disabled people in the United States, using high-frequency data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The agency uses a monthly telephone survey that asks, “Are you or someone in your home disabled and not able to work?” Prior to COVID-19 shots, Dowd said, there were 29 million to 30 million disabled people on an absolute basis, a rate that remained steady for four or five years.

In February 2021, a trend change occurred, reaching a high of 33.2 million in September 2022, with numbers still trending up. That’s a three standard deviation rate of change since May 2021, which means that the chance of this happening is 0.03 percent—highly unusual.

Dowd explains, “Of the 3.2 million newly disabled Americans, 1.7 were employed but came from the employed population of the country.” This is significant, he says, because: (8)
“The employed people of this country are, generally speaking, by the very fact that they wake up in the morning, get in their car and drive to work, healthier than the general U.S. population.
“By the very nature of doing work, you’re healthier. And that’s a fact that’s never been challenged before. The health outcome for the employed has been disastrous. Since February 2021, their disability rate is up 31 percent … the general U.S. population’s disability rate is up 9 percent.”
Dowd believes this jump in disability among the workforce is the reason why there’s a labor shortage and you’re seeing “help wanted” signs much more than in the past. He also observed an interesting trend among people who quit or left the workforce during this time period—their disability rate didn’t jump like those still working, many of whom were likely subjected to shot mandates to keep their jobs: (9)
“More importantly, those not in the labor force—those who quit or got fired—their disability rate is only up 4 percent. And I suspect those are the people who either didn’t take the vaccine and were fired or quit and refused to take the vaccine. So those of us who have had the best health outcomes in the country since [COVID-19] vaccination began are those not in the labor force.”

‘There’s a Coverup’

Mass COVID-19 shots and mandates are the only factors that changed during that time that would make being employed a risk to your health, but the government isn’t investigating them. Why? “There’s a coverup, at the very least,” Dowd says, adding: (10)
“I don’t know that they’re protecting Pfizer, per se. They’re protecting all sorts of monied interests. When this COVID thing happened, there were a lot of beneficiaries from it. Central banks got off the hook from, what I saw, was a global slowdown, so they were able to print unprecedented amounts of money to cover up what we’re going to have eventually, a global sovereign debt default—it’s coming. So they got off the hook.
“You had the tech companies excited, licking their chops, for the new surveillance economy. They knew that was coming. So, they joyfully entered into partnership with the government to censor any dissent. And they were excited about those future cashflows of surveillance.
“Then you have the pharma companies who were going to be able to make money off of, what they saw, were unlimited vaccines, quarterly injections, that was the plan at the time … under the color of law. And then you have the media companies who were getting cashflows from pharmaceutical companies and also the government.
“We found out the government paid media companies to promote the vaccine … momentum built and there was a conspiracy of interests. Now that the vaccine is coming to light that it’s causing death and injury, they all have an interest to keep this thing under wraps.”

The More Vaxxed the Country, the Higher the Excess Deaths

Dowd believes the effects of COVID-19 shots appear to be cumulative, so he urges those who’ve already been injected to stop getting boosters. He also feels there’s enough alarming data to warrant the COVID-19 shot program being stopped immediately, as the death and disability from the shots could easily exceed that from COVID-19.

“This is the greatest crime scene I’ve ever seen in my life,” he says. “The greatest humanitarian toll we’re ever going to talk about. And it’s going to last with us for years to come. The economic ramifications are stark.” (11)

Dowd and colleagues have been tracking what they call Humanity Projects at their website, Phinance Technologies. (12) There, you can see the data they’re tracking along with their related analyses. They state:
“We live in a world where regulatory institutions are captured by financial and political interests, either unwilling or unable to get to the truth of the issues they set out to investigate and regulate on behalf of the individuals in society.
“Without unbiased and comprehensive research, there is a risk of misguided policy decisions at best, and at worst, negligence and malpractice. Never has this been more apparent than during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this context, we need independent agents to act as gatekeepers of the public interest. We intend to be such agents, and to provide high-quality research to other individuals and institutions who seek similar outcomes.”
One trend they’ve found is that the more vaccinated the country, the higher the excess mortality. Denmark, which is one of the most highly vaccinated, stands out. “They had an interesting experience,” Dowd says. (13)
“Every age cohort experienced greater excess mortality year over year. So 2021 was over 2020, and 2022 was over 2021, across all age cohorts … their death rate was on the decline … and it’s going back up. So Denmark has experienced detrimental health outcomes. Curiously enough, while I was writing the book, they effectively banned the vaccine for [those] under 50, where they said, ‘We’d rather you get COVID than take the vaccine.'”

Health Agencies ‘in Coverup Mode’


When asked why health agencies aren’t stepping in to investigate the surge in sudden deaths, Dowd suspects they’re all MIA [missing in action] because “they’re in coverup mode.” “I won’t rest until we stop what’s going on,” he says, adding that a lot of first responders are still facing mandates to get the shot and some universities still require it.

He’s hoping for more whistleblowers to come out and congressional hearings to break through the deafening “misinformation” narrative that’s still very much permeating society.

Critics of his data suggest the excess deaths are due to long COVID, but Dowd says he has yet to see a study showing this is the case—and there’s no definition of what long COVID actually is. Further, many “long COVID” symptoms mirror adverse reactions to COVID-19 shots.

If you or a loved one has been affected, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group’s I-RECOVER (14) protocol can be downloaded in full, (15) giving you step-by-step instructions on how to treat reactions from COVID-19 injections. (16)

Originally published March 18, 2023 on Mercola.com


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Joseph Mercola
Joseph Mercola
Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of Mercola.com. An osteopathic physician, best-selling author, and recipient of multiple awards in the field of natural health, his primary vision is to change the modern health paradigm by providing people with a valuable resource to help them take control of their health.
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