Model Kylie Jenner and rapper Travis Scott were criticized for apparently parking in a handicapped parking spot.
She wrote that they are “partners in crime 4 evaaa.”
But, in the Instagram post, a number of people criticized Jenner. The photo shows the two standing next to a car, and in the background, a disability access sign is seen.
“Why you park in handicapped spot you’re not handicapped!!! Those people really might need it!” wrote one person.
Added another: “Is that his jacketbc its too big for her. Shame on you guys for parking in a handicapp space. Guess you wouldnt know what its like to be handicapp. Coing from a handicapp person [sic].”
A third asked them, “Sooo, Which one of y’all are handicap?”
“Are we ignoring the fact that they’re parked in handicap,” another person observed. “Or maybe it’s just the angle.”
And yet another commenter, who claimed to be disabled, left a verbose, critical message for Jenner.
“Are you aware where you have parked? Handicap parking is for people that have disabilities and can’t walk far! I’m disabled and disgusted that you think that you have the right to park there just because you’ve been on a show and think you are above everyone. I can hardly walk and to see this wow! #somerolemodel #whodoyouthinkyouare @people are you going to let this story slide!! Celebrities are not handicap and have no right to Park where, people like me that can’t walk far and do need a handicap spot @lapdhq I believe there is a fine for parking in a handicap spot! If Celebrities can get way with this..what else can they get away with!” the person wrote.
Meanwhile, on July 22, The Ruderman Family Foundation, an advocate for disabled people, criticized the photo.

Jenner hasn’t commented on the matter.
In 2015, she came under fire for posing in a wheelchair for a magazine spread.