President Donald Trump’s oldest daughter issued a warning on Twitter about her daughter.
Mom of three Ivanka Trump revealed that her oldest daughter, Arabella, fell and hit her head.
“Yesterday Arabella slipped playing Gaga and hit her head hard (thankfully, she is fine),” she wrote, adding: “Parents/Caregivers: below is an excellent resource for concussions—or TBI—that is worth reading and passing along” before linking to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control website.
Gaga isn’t referring to the singer, but gaga ball, a variation of dodgeball. says that the game is believed to have been started in Israel, and gaga means “touch touch” in Hebrew. It was played in Jewish summer camps in the 1970s.
The link (pdf) Ivanka shared includes what symptoms to look for if a child suffers a head injury during a game:
- Appears dazed or stunned
- Forgets an instruction, is confused about an assignment or position, or is unsure of the game, score, or opponent
- Moves clumsily
- Answers questions slowly
- Loses consciousness (even briefly)
- Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes
- Can’t recall events prior to or after a hit or fall

Ivanka Trump and her daughter Arabella Kushner walk down the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington on Feb. 22, 2017. AP Photo/Molly Riley
It continues: “Children and teens who continue to play while having concussion symptoms or who return to play too soon—while the brain is still healing—have a greater chance of getting another concussion. A repeat concussion that occurs while the brain is still healing from the first injury can be very serious and can affect a child or teen for a lifetime. It can even be fatal”