Dr. Ben Carson Talks About New Book Focused on American Families and Traditional Values

‘What we’ve seen over the last few decades is an increasing attack on families,’ he said in an interview with The Epoch Times.
Dr. Ben Carson Talks About New Book Focused on American Families and Traditional Values
Dr. Ben Carson, former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in Virginia on Dec. 7, 2021. (York Du/The Epoch Times)
Jessamyn Dodd

Dr. Ben Carson, the secretary of Housing and Urban Development under former President Donald Trump, is a possible contender to serve as President Trump’s running mate in the 2024 election.

In an in-depth interview with The Epoch Times, he expressed his enthusiasm for improving and preserving the United States, sentiments which he also outlines in his latest book.

“I am very committed to saving our country and making it better,” he said. “I will serve in some capacity in some way or another, either inside or outside the government to make sure that is the case.”

In his new book, The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture’s War on the American Family, Dr. Carson emphasizes the importance of the family unit and highlights the challenges faced by traditional family structures in today’s world, including the rise of single-parent households and the reliance on grandparents in child rearing.

“There’s not just the decline in traditional families, there’s an actual attack on those things, because our country is very, very strong. And in order to fundamentally change our country, you’re not gonna do that with weapons. You have to do it from within,” he said.

Dr. Carson indicated concern about undermining parental rights, citing a specific case in Indiana where the court ruled against the parent’s wishes regarding their child’s social gender transition.

The case he was referring to took place in 2019 when Indiana parents Mary and Jeremy Cox’s son revealed he was identifying as a girl, contrary to their Catholic beliefs. They sought therapy for his underlying mental health issues, including an eating disorder.

In 2021, Indiana officials began investigating the Coxes for not acknowledging their child’s preferred gender identity. Subsequently, the teen was removed from their custody and placed in a “gender-affirming” home, Fox News reported. Despite no evidence of abuse, the Coxes were blamed for worsening their child’s eating disorder, which escalated after he was relocated.

After losing an appeal, the couple expressed their disappointment with the state’s actions. They are hopeful that the Supreme Court will intervene to safeguard other families from facing similar challenges.

Turning his attention to the global landscape, Dr. Carson pointed out the unique position of the United States in resisting the push toward a one-world government. He emphasized the role of faith in governance, citing the Declaration of Independence’s acknowledgment of rights bestowed by a creator.

“We believe that our rights come from God,” he said, reflecting on where faith fits into the government.

In his book, he advocates for less government intrusion into parental rights, bringing attention to the need for the government to protect its citizens rather than dictate their choices.

“We want to continue to have a nation that is of, by, and for the people,” he said.

However, we’re witnessing a trend where government overreach extends to dictating specifics, the doctor said, mentioning laws dictating that all cars must be electric powered within a certain number of years. He said this approach contradicts letting market forces naturally dictate consumer choices.

Continuing about government overreach and mandates, he turned his attention to the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the pandemic, Dr. Carson looked back at the lockdowns, pointing out the effect it had on the nation, particularly school children.

“You saw all the mandates that were thrust upon the people during COVID. We’ve subsequently discovered that much of that was erroneous. But you look at the damage that was done and it was damage that will be lasting for a long period of time.”

A study by researchers in Israel showed that lockdowns and social isolation during the pandemic led to many children experiencing educational, social, emotional, and behavioral setbacks. They also lost the skills needed to navigate everyday challenges.

2024 Election

Dr. Carson also spoke about the upcoming presidential election.

“It’s so important that the people are alerted to what’s going on and understand that they have to get engaged in this fight. You can’t sit on the sidelines and just watch as the Unites States changes into something else,” he said, stressing the importance of citizen engagement, particularly through informed voting, to counteract unconstitutional actions by the government.

In addition, Dr. Carson warned of the dangers facing the republic, including the politicization of government institutions such as the Department of Justice. He believes in three core Biblical ideals to guide the nation: love for God, love for fellow man, and love for the nation.

“You look at the fact that the Department of Justice is being used to eliminate or to try to eliminate a major presidential candidate, rather than allowing the people to make that decision. Those are the kinds of things that happen in monarchy and dictatorial situations.”

Pausing to consider the ramifications of interfering in democracy after states attempted to remove President Trump from ballots during the primary elections, Dr. Carson observed, “Our founders realized that we might come to this point, but they gave us a solution, which is voting.”

The Supreme Court ultimately ruled that the states lack the authority to exclude President Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot.
In terms of politics, Dr. Carson believes there’s a pressing need for policies to counteract cultural decline, addressing issues such as violence, mental illness, and the disintegration of family structures. “Those are the things being tampered with. Those are the things being destroyed,” he said.

Influence of Social Media

Regarding social media and its influence, Dr. Carson expressed concerns about platforms such as TikTok being used for propaganda and addiction. He called for careful legislative consideration and parental oversight in addressing these issues, especially considering the future impact of technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

“You have to look at what is coming to the future with AI and virtual reality.”

Reflecting on the looming TikTok ban, he said “there is no question China is using it as a propaganda tool to influence our young people. People have become quite addicted to it, so I don’t think it’s a good thing.”

Simultaneously, he believes it’s imprudent to simply dictate what is permissible and what isn’t. Contemplating a solution, he said that addressing this issue necessitates comprehensive legislative endeavors to thoroughly weigh the advantages and disadvantages and devise policies that affect TikTok and all social media platforms.

He highlighted the inconsistency in solely targeting TikTok for restrictions while other social media platforms engage in similar practices. He proposed fostering a bipartisan dialogue encompassing both perspectives.

Looking ahead to the 2024 presidential election, Dr. Carson reflected on the major influence of social media and Hollywood on voters.

Speaking about Hollywood, Dr. Carson said celebrities have a lot of influence. Pausing to consider a notable shift among young adults, he said that “recently there’s been a fairly significant uptick in Christian movies and movies about faith.”

Dr. Carson pointed to Auburn University, where over 100 students were baptized during a worship service last year.

“Maybe they are starting to recognize that the invocation of filth and immorality into everything is not going to lead us to a good place.”

He cautioned about the prospect of ongoing “cultural decline” in America if individuals choose the wrong direction.

“Our youth derives their values from their faith and their families,” he said. “And if we allow those things to go away, we will see more violence, more addiction, more mental illness, more suicide, more hopelessness. All the things that we’re seeing happening. It’s not just by coincidence.”

Ultimately, Dr. Carson hopes to remind his readers of their power to shape the future through their choices and actions.

Jessamyn Dodd is an experienced TV news anchor, reporter, and digital journalist covering entertainment, politics, and crime.