Jana Duggar, a television personality known for her appearances on the TLC reality show “19 Kids and Counting” and its spinoff series “Counting On,” has given fans an update on her life following her years-long break from social media.
In the four-minute video, Ms. Duggar—the second child of Jim Bob Duggar and his wife Michelle—showcased her life on the Duggar family farm in Tontitown, Arkansas, sharing clips of goats, newly hatched chicks, a duck, and a horse. The former reality star also narrated footage of the family erecting a fence on the property.
“We kinda got started later in the day, but we wanted to finish it, so that meant working late at night,” she says, adding that she and her siblings were able to put lights up to help finish the project.
“That’s really where the memories are made is in those late nights,” she said.
“The fencing turned out beautifully; I am so pleased with how it all came together,” Ms. Duggar said, showing off the completed fence. “It’s not only doing the job of keeping the animals out, but it also just creates this beautiful backdrop to the garden, and just, I think, completes that whole area.”
Social Media Hiatus
Ms. Duggar’s video is the first vlog post she has shared on her YouTube channel in almost four years.Ms. Duggar addressed the incident in a since-expired Instagram story, writing: “The raw facts: I was babysitting a few months ago when one of the children wandered outside alone. A passerby who saw [the] child called the police. This resulted in a written citation, as well as a follow-up with child welfare who concluded that it was an accident and the child was unharmed.”
“They recognized it was a case of a child slipping out of the house when you turn your back for a moment. It all happened so quickly and was scary,” she said, noting that she was “grateful for law enforcement and those who protect and serve our community.”
Duggar Controversy
In December 2021, Josh Duggar, the eldest of the Duggar children, was convicted by a federal jury in Arkansas on one count each of receiving and possessing child pornography. Mr. Duggar, who pleaded not guilty to the charges against him, was sentenced to 12.5 years in prison the following May.After challenging the conviction to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in February 2023, the court’s decision was upheld, leading the former reality star to file an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court. However, on June 24, 2024, the Supreme Court denied the 36-year-old’s request to appeal his conviction.