Chuck Norris Criticizes California’s ‘Lax Immigration Laws’ After Officer’s Death

Chuck Norris Criticizes California’s ‘Lax Immigration Laws’ After Officer’s Death
Actor Chuck Norris arrives at Lionsgate Films' 'The Expendables 2' premiere in Hollywood, Calif., on Aug. 15, 2012. (Jason Merritt/Getty Images)
Sarah Le

Chuck Norris, martial artist and star of the popular television series “Walker, Texas Ranger,” took issue with the Golden State’s “lax immigration laws” after the recent death of a California police officer.

The actor noted that an illegal immigrant, Gustavo Perez Arriaga, allegedly killed Cpl. Ronil Singh of the Newman Police Department the day after Christmas, in an article titled “How Many More California Cops Could Die?” on Dec. 30 in his weekly column on the news website, WND.

“Tragically, Singh is another innocent victim in a long line of murders by illegals in the Golden State where borders are porous and returned deportations are plentiful,” wrote Norris.

Perez Arriaga shot Singh during a traffic stop and was later arrested while trying to flee to Mexico, police said. Singh, 33, left behind a wife and a 5-month-old son.

Norris also pointed out that Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson has blamed California’s sanctuary law for preventing authorities from reporting Perez Arriaga to immigration officials after the man was arrested twice in the past for drunk driving. If Perez Arriaga had been deported, the sheriff said, Singh would still be alive.

“We can’t ignore the fact that this could have been preventable,” Christianson told reporters. He asked why California was “providing sanctuary for criminals (and) gang members. It’s a conversation we need to have.”

On Dec. 18, another illegal alien, Gustavo Garcia, conducted a “reign of terror“ in Tulare County, according to officials, killing one person, robbing a store, stealing a vehicle, and injuring several other people, before dying in a car crash during a high-speed chase with police.
Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux told the Fresno Bee that he agreed with a statement from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that stated the “deadly rampage could have been prevented” if the agency had been notified of Garcia’s release from jail after he was arrested previously for being under the influence of a controlled substance.

Sheriff Boudreaux said California’s laws need to be changed to allow law enforcement to better communicate with ICE officials, reported the Bee.

Norris also expressed concern over legislative proposals such as AB 931, a bill that would have limited the use of deadly force by law enforcement in California to “situations where it is necessary” instead of when “there is a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily harm,” as the law currently states.
The legislation was introduced in February 2017 but was not taken up before the legislature’s deadline in August 2018. However, Democratic Assemblywoman Shirley Weber promised to introduce a new bill addressing the use of force in law enforcement in January 2018, according to NBC.

“While California Democrats ... are making it easier for illegals to come into the state and commit crimes, they are simultaneously making it more difficult for law enforcement to protect citizens and themselves,” wrote Norris. “Why can’t they see the sheer and dangerous dichotomy there? It puts California cops in double jeopardy!”

Norris then asked why Californians elect politicians who refuse to enforce immigration laws and protect criminals by not cooperating with ICE. He also called on the state to “do more to support President Trump’s bolstering of California’s southern border.”

“This is not a partisan issue, but a safety issue. We must protect cops, not put them in further harm’s way, so they can also protect us,” he wrote.

President Donald Trump speaks to the nation in his first-prime address from the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 8, 2019. (Carlos Barria-Pool/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump speaks to the nation in his first-prime address from the Oval Office of the White House on Jan. 8, 2019. (Carlos Barria-Pool/Getty Images)

Trump Mentions Singh in Speech

Trump brought up Singh’s murder in his Jan. 8 Oval Office speech to the nation.

“America’s heart broke the day after Christmas when a young police officer in California was savagely murdered in cold blood by an illegal alien, who just came across the border. The life of an American hero was stolen by someone who had no right to be in our country,” Trump said.

Singh was a legal immigrant. While Trump has worked to crack down on illegal immigration, he’s repeatedly championed those who enter the country legally.

“Day after day, precious lives are cut short by those who have violated our borders,” Trump added.

“In California, an Air Force veteran was raped, murdered, and beaten to death with a hammer by an illegal alien with a long criminal history. In Georgia, an illegal alien was recently charged with murder for killing, beheading, and dismembering his neighbor. In Maryland, MS-13 gang members who arrived in the United States as unaccompanied minors were arrested and charged last year after viciously stabbing and beating a 16-year-old girl.”

Officer Ronil Singh, of the Newman Police Department, is survived by his wife and child. He was shot dead on Dec. 26, 2018, by an illegal alien, according to police officials. (Stanislaus Sheriff's Department)
Officer Ronil Singh, of the Newman Police Department, is survived by his wife and child. He was shot dead on Dec. 26, 2018, by an illegal alien, according to police officials. (Stanislaus Sheriff's Department)

“Over the last several years, I’ve met with dozens of families whose loved ones were stolen by illegal immigration. I’ve held the hands of the weeping mothers and embraced the grief-stricken fathers. So sad. So terrible. I will never forget the pain in their eyes, the tremble in their voices, and the sadness gripping their souls,” Trump said.

“How much more American blood must we shed before Congress does its job?”

After Singh’s death, Trump called Singh’s widow to express his condolences. Trump also spoke with law enforcement colleagues of the fallen officer.

“The President praised Officer Singh’s service to his fellow citizens, offered condolences, and commended law enforcement’s rapid investigation, response, and apprehension of the suspect,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.

Trump’s reaction came in stark contrast to most elected officials in California, who have not addressed the murder of Singh. Instead, most California officials, who are predominately Democrats, have focused on the recent deaths of illegal immigrant children near the border, trying to blame the Trump administration for the deaths.

Officers with the Newman Police Department carry the flag-draped casket of slain officer Corporal Ronil Singh during a funeral service at CrossPoint Community Church in Modesto, Calif., on Jan. 5, 2019. (Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
Officers with the Newman Police Department carry the flag-draped casket of slain officer Corporal Ronil Singh during a funeral service at CrossPoint Community Church in Modesto, Calif., on Jan. 5, 2019. (Stephen Lam/Getty Images)

Singh’s Funeral

Hundreds of people attended the funeral of Singh at the Crosspoint Community Church in Modesto on Jan. 5.

Modesto police officer Jeff Harmon said Singh was a hard-working officer who chose to serve his community instead of being at home with his family on Christmas night.

“[He] stood so much for what is right in our world and yet, unfortunately, was taken too soon from us by what is wrong in our world,” Harmon said at the service, reported The Epoch Times.

Later, a police motorcade transported Singh’s body to the officer’s final resting place, Lakewood Memorial Park.

Mourners watched as bagpipes played, then a 21-gun salute—also know as a three-volley salute—was fired, which is a traditional battle custom to indicate ceasefires where each side would clear and care for the dead.
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