Election Protester: ‘We Have Such Corruption at Every Level’

NTD Television

WASHINGTON—Joe Visconti, president of the American Shakespeare Theatre in Connecticut, traveled to Washington to protest because he feels the government the country claims to have no longer exists, and that elections have become a sham.

“We don’t have a Constitution right now, we don’t have a country, half of the country will never vote again,” he said on Dec. 12. “We have such corruption at every level, intentional or unintentional, with voting. No matter who you support you should be upset.”

Thousands gathered to join marches and rallies in Washington on Dec. 12, petitioning the government for fair elections and transparent counting. Similar grassroots protests took place every Saturday since the general election in capitals across the 50 states.

Visconti was deeply disappointed that the Texas lawsuit filed with the Supreme Court, which was backed by a number of other states, was not heard. He feels that the country is on the brink of conflict and if it falls into socialist hands, there will be conflict.

“Not even listening to it, because of a technicality? Technicality! We’re about to have a revolution in America and they’re worried about a technicality,” Visconti said. “So we’re here peacefully, but we don’t know how long we may be peaceful, we may not be so peaceful.”

“We’re here as the last stand for America, because as of last night there was no Constitution, it’s a piece of parchment, right down the street in the national archives, it doesn’t exist, it’s a myth,” he said.

Visconti said the Democrats have been clear about their plans for the country, including many anti-American policies, but another threat America has been facing is the Chinese Communist Party.

“I believe the Chinese Communist Party owns most of this town, within one square mile of us right now. And they have an agenda that they’re very clear on, they tell us what they want, they want world dominion. They’ve got their activities around the country and around the world that are not necessarily just for trade. They’re beyond trade at this particular point. China First is what they want,” he said, adding that the Chinese may be innocent but the Chinese Communist Party that has oppressed the nation is the threat the world faces. He fears the Democrats, if in power, will continue to let the Chinese communist regime lend America money, and therefore ceding power.

“I’m telling you right now, we’re peaceful, we’re all Tea Party people, we believe in showbiz, get out in the street, get your voters out, but we could never back the Republican Party again, which means they’re never going to win again,” he said. “Which means China will more and more and more, buy us, gobble up, lend us money ... they’ll own more and more of us.”

“China has designs,” he said. He pointed to the social credit system that the communist state uses to control the Chinese people, the censorship, and how we are starting to see it in America.

“[China] holds her people down, there’s communism, no free speech, you can see the effects of China communism on their people on the streets of America in Big Tech right now censoring us. They’re censoring us like how China censors their people,” he said. “I believe American elected officials sold out the country. We could never be conquered from without, we’ll be conquered from within, and it’s happening right now.”

For Visconti, elections right now have no meaning. He hopes things won’t come to violence, but says the American people need to stand up because the erosion of liberty that people fear has already happened.

“There’s something in the Constitution: the consent of the governed,” he said. “We give our will up, we elect representatives who now won’t stand for us. So we can take back our consent.”

“We can take it back by overturning the country. We pray, a lot of us are religious, and we pray that no violence comes, but most of us realize that we’re here now, this is our stop, this is where we get off the train, this is where our I believe an overthrow of a government that doesn’t exist is going to happen,” he said.

Visconti said that if President Donald Trump is unable to take office again come January, he will won’t leave before exposing all of the corruption of the government and, Visconti hopes, declassifying information so the people know about any foreign interference.

“He’s not walking away without taking down the complete global system,” he said.

This video is part of our special series ’What Voters Say.' To watch more videos click here.