Elderly Woman Hit by Car, Then Beaten by Driver and Wife

Elderly Woman Hit by Car, Then Beaten by Driver and Wife
A woman stands in front of a car advertisement. (Liu Jin/AFP/Getty Images)
Daniel Holl

An elderly woman working as a groundskeeper was hit by a car, then assaulted by the driver and his wife. After another worker approached them, the two departed the scene, leaving the woman on the ground. The husband and wife were later arrested and fined, according to a March 27 report from the Beijing Times.

The incident was caught on video and posted to Weibo by the Beijing Times.

The incident occurred on March 26, when a cleaning lady, surnamed Chen, was walking in front of a housing complex.

Suddenly, a white Audi drove quickly through the gate, and slammed on its brakes. The car hit Chen’s left leg, knocking her down.

Something that Chen was carrying was knocked out of her hands and landed on the ground. Then she regained her balance, and was able to stand.

Chen immediately reached for her phone, possibly calling the police to report what had happened.

Suddenly, the driver, surnamed Mao, got out of the car and ran towards Chen. From off screen, at the same time, Mao’s wife, surnamed Zhang, appeared from the right side.

Both husband and wife began attacking Chen, hitting her and knocking her to the ground.

Mao kicks Chen in the back as she lays on the ground. Zhang seems to try to calm down her husband by holding onto him, but Mao points his finger at Chen as she sits on the ground. It appears he is yelling at her.

Another worker approaches from the left, and watches the altercation. Zhang then takes Chen’s broom away from her. Zhang pokes at Chen while she remains on the ground.

Suddenly, Mao gets back into his car, and Zhang walks away with the broom. Even the other worker walks away, and Mao drives off. Chen is left sitting on the driveway alone.

Police reported that both Mao and Zhang were detained and fined. It was not specified for how long they were detained, or for how much they were fined. The report did not mention if Chen sustained injuries.

Daniel Holl is a Sacramento, California-based reporter, specializing in China-related topics. He moved to China alone and stayed there for almost seven years, learning the language and culture. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
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