According to McCullough, early treatment and natural immunity are safe and effective against COVID-19, but federal health agencies have ignored these in a push for vaccines, the broad use of which is not needed.
“The government has certainly been in an oblivion in terms of early treatment,” he said.
Thousands of people turned out to march in protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates—one of the largest U.S. events against the mandates since the start of the pandemic.
“Our CDC, FDA, and NIH have had no effective messaging on early treatment, even the emergency use authorized monoclonal antibodies, which are safe and effective,” McCullough said. “And even on the new Merck and Pfizer drugs, which they’re basically absent in terms of the media, despite being recently distributed across the United States.”
Early effective treatment of any disease can help avert progression to more serious illness, with an additional benefit of reducing the burden on health care systems.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved one drug, remdesivir (Veklury), to treat COVID-19 in hospitalized patients, the CDC continued.

McCullough said that highly qualified doctors have done the research and have shown that “early treatment can end this pandemic by reducing the intensity and severity of disease and reducing the chances of hospitalization and death in our highest risk seniors.”
“This basically means that the vaccines broadly used aren’t needed. And in fact, we have seen far too many vaccine injuries and now vaccine failures. With the Omicron variant, there’s effectively no coverage of these vaccines against the newest form of the virus,” McCullough said, adding 22 studies showed vaccines ran out of efficacy after six months.
McCullough gave the example of how ivermectin, a Nobel prize-winning, FDA-approved drug that many studies and doctors claim is effective in treating COVID-19 patients, was dismissed by federal health agencies.
The FDA has been saying the drug was approved to treat internal and external parasites, and currently no data shows its effectiveness against COVID-19.
McCullough also claimed that the federal health agencies have ignored natural immunity, which is “robust, complete, and durable in terms of the lethal strains of the virus.”
“It was only until it got to the Omicron variant, which there was a breakthrough, and individuals who are previously immune could get a mild Omicron syndrome. But natural immunity is the end of the pandemic,” McCullough continued. “Remember, as we all become naturally immune, COVID-19 is no longer a threat to our lives.
“And the failure of our governmental agencies to recognize natural immunity has basically created unnecessary suffering, unnecessary testing, unnecessary masking and social distancing. Unnecessary compliance with all kinds of measures that are designed for the susceptible. Those who are naturally immune are no longer susceptible to fatal disease.”
McCullough expressed doubt about the claim that COVID-19 vaccines could reduce hospitalization and deaths.
“All we have at this point of time is bias-confounded, and I think invalid hospitalization data. The U.S. agencies still make the claim that the vaccines protect against hospitalization, whereas we see no evidence of that in the UK, Germany, South Africa, and the rest of the world,” McCullough said. “And I can tell you, the United States is not that different than the rest of these countries. Something is wrong. And I can tell you something is wrong with an incorrect, invalid claim that the vaccines reduce hospitalization. I don’t think it’s supportable.”
The Epoch Times has contacted CDC for additional comment.