Dr. Greg Forbes of The Weather Channel to Take a Break After Getting Colon Cancer Diagnosis

Dr. Greg Forbes of The Weather Channel to Take a Break After Getting Colon Cancer Diagnosis
The Weather Channel
Zachary Stieber

Dr. Greg Forbes of The Weather Channel will be taking a few weeks off as he receives treatment for colon cancer.

He got the diagnosis during a routine annual physical.

The prognosis is positive as doctors believe that the cancer was discovered early.

Forbes told his followers on Facebook that the situation prompted him to record a public service announcement. “In it I urge everyone to see their doctor annually for a physical exam” he said. “Were it not for the blood test during my physical exam, I might not have realized that I had cancer until it was too late.”

Weather Channel executive David Clark said that he expects Forbes to jump back into action even before coming back on air, through sharing insights with the team.

“Dr. Forbes commitment to our audience in times of severe weather has always been remarkable, but witnessing him go full bore during the storms these past few days, knowing what he has been dealing with, is something I, for one, will tell my grandkids about. We are grateful for him and look forward to his full recovery and welcoming him back very soon,” he said.

“I know how much all of us care for StormMaster G, and many of you will want to help. Look for an email in the next few days about that. Please join me in wishing Greg a speedy recovery and in keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.”

Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]