‘Don’t Let Fear Interfere With the Enjoyment of’ Shen Yun, Investor Says

‘Don’t Let Fear Interfere With the Enjoyment of’ Shen Yun, Investor Says
Kim Hiscox at the Jan. 23, 2022 matinee of Shen Yun in Des Moines, Iowa. Kerry Qin/Epoch Times
DES MOINES, Iowa—Sometimes the greatest levers of change do not operate in courtrooms and parliaments, but on stage in colorful costumes.

It was real estate investor Kim Hiscox’s third time at Shen Yun. She described her feeling while watching as “exuberant and celebratory.”

As for the pandemic, she said: “Don’t let fear interfere with the enjoyment of this performance.”

Shen Yun is known for its bright colors and imaginative dance pieces inspired by the 5,000 years of Chinese culture, but it has as part of its mission—to raise awareness of religious persecution in today’s communist China, particularly of the peaceful meditation practice Falun Dafa.

China’s rich history has been under attack by the communist regime, which has systematically destroyed, distorted, and supplanted the traditional culture with its own.

“I was very glad that they added the Falun Dafa piece,” said Ms. Hiscox. “I think Americans need to know more about what’s going on in China with the organ harvesting, so I want to support this sort of thing to get the word out.”

She did just that a few years ago when she hosted a Chinese student in her home.

“Her parents told her not to see this—her dad was a former governor and he did not support the idea of her seeing this, but I told her, come be my guest. If something that offends you we can leave, but she loved it, so she told her friends,” she recalled.

“We want the Chinese people to know that Americans support them in their protest against the oppression of communism and that all people should be having the right to express their religious feelings in whatever way they feel in their hearts,” she said.

To those who have heard of Shen Yun but have not attended yet, Ms. Hiscox urges: “Don’t miss it! It’s a one of a kind and it’s different every year—this is the third time I’ve seen it and it’s spectacular!”

‘You Can’t Just Stop Living’

Dentist Maria Fuller and respiratory therapist David Fuller also felt no deterrence to attend Shen Yun.

“You can’t just stop living,” said Ms. Fuller. “You have to do the things that you feel like you should do and want to do, and that’s part of that freedom.”
David and Maria Fuller at the Jan. 23, 2022 matinee of Shen Yun in Des Moines, Iowa. (Stacey Tang/Epoch Times)
David and Maria Fuller at the Jan. 23, 2022 matinee of Shen Yun in Des Moines, Iowa. Stacey Tang/Epoch Times
Shen Yun incorporates classical Chinese dance pieces as well as ethnic dances and story-based dances.
After the performance, the two reflected on how Shen Yun is able to perform in the United States but not in China.

They were moved by the dance story where religious persecution rocks a family to the core, though they were not expecting to be victims of it.

“That was a powerful one for me,” said Ms. Fuller.

“And I thought that it was really interesting with the freedoms that the Chinese continue to strive for—of culture, belief of religion, everything,” added Mr. Fuller.

Reporting by Kerry Qin and Stacey Tang.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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