President Donald Trump has relieved more than 8,000 Veterans Affairs employees for failing in their duties since they took office, said Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie.
Hailing the Trump-led development, he said: “This is a transformational moment in our history.
“We have relieved over 8,000 employees of their duty at VA. ... We have relieved people as high as network directors to people at the other end of our employee chain. After the scandals of Phoenix, the scandals of 2014 and 2015, this is, I think, one of the strongest statements that we can make: that it is a new day at VA.”
The reports of veterans not getting adequate health care triggered an Obama administration investigation in Phoenix.

Wilkie noted that VA employees were removed for not performing their duties to the proper standards.
Speaking about about Veterans Affairs during an October speech in Florida, President Donald Trump said: “Do you remember all of the bad stories that used to be about the VA? Now you don’t see that because they have accountability. We can fire bad people. We fired a tremendous number of really bad people that should’ve been fired years ago. I don’t like firing people, but I like firing people that don’t treat our vets great, that aren’t doing their job.”
In the Nov. 8 speech, Wilkie also praised Trump for giving his agency the largest budget in its history. “This puts veterans at the center of their health care decisions, not the institutional prerogatives of VA, but veterans,” he said.