DIY Long Haul Symptom Relief!

DIY Long Haul Symptom Relief!
Many people who suffer from long COVID, have symptoms related to breathing difficulties and respiration, and for some these symptoms last a long time. (ShutterStock)
Sean McCaffrey

My practice remained open the last 2 years through the pandemic. I saw 40 patients a day, every day.

During this time and even today, I have seen hundreds of patients suffering from lingering symptoms of the virus and it’s many strains. Because I fix whatever walks in, I began investigating and working clinically with these side-effects and symptoms.

Here is an old and little used medical test I run with patients expressing long haul symptoms. This technique has helped hundreds of my patients regain normal function after months, and sometimes, years of lingering issues.

The test and exercise can be done at home, as I show below. However, I do provide a more advanced treatment of this therapy in office for those needing some extra help.

This story was originally published on the Mccaffrey Health Blog
Dr. Sean McCaffrey is a physician, speaker, teacher, author, mentor, and radio host. He is the Founder of McCaffrey Health Center and McCaffrey Laboratory. Known as The Robinhood of Healthcare, Dr. Sean has created his own health care system. This holistic approach to long-term, restorative health care comes as a result of having studied the best modern modalities, as well as seeking out the most highly-guarded treatment secrets learned from old masters and perfected over the centuries. The McCaffrey Method is a complete health care model that blends various natural health care systems to effectively combat chronic and degenerative diseases.
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