Director Kevin Smith Shows Off Huge Weight Loss

Zachary Stieber

Director Kevin Smith said he’s lost a lot of weight after a medical scare earlier this year.

Smith, 48, said he’s been using the Weight Watchers program to lose weight.

He was spurred to do so after suffering a major heart attack in February.

On Aug. 26, he said that he had something to share with his fans.

Lost 51 Pounds

“This @weightwatchers Ambassador is thrilled to announce that I'VE LOST 51 POUNDS!” he said.

Smith noted that his doctor told him a week after the heart attack, “The best thing you can do for yourself now is to lose 50 pounds.”

He’s now down to 205 pounds after starting at 256 pounds.

“This is the lightest I’ve been since high school!” he said in the long caption accompanying two photos, one showing him from the front and the other a side photo.

Smith said he hopes to lose another 10 pounds before settling around 195 pounds.

But he cautioned those looking for easy results that it took a lot of work to get where he is now, while he thanked his daughter Harley Quinn Smith for leading the way with her earlier foray into vegetarianism and veganism (lifestyles without meat and meat and dairy, respectively).

“I simply copied the Kid. So this wasn’t a diet: these results came from a total lifestyle change of eating solely plant-based foods (which is tough because I hate vegetables),” Smith said.

Actress Harley Quinn Smith (L) and actor Kevin Smith at 2017 WIRED Cafe at Comic-Con, presented by AT&T Audience Network in San Diego, California on July 21, 2017. (Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for WIRED)
Actress Harley Quinn Smith (L) and actor Kevin Smith at 2017 WIRED Cafe at Comic-Con, presented by AT&T Audience Network in San Diego, California on July 21, 2017. (Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for WIRED)

Heart Attack

The movie director, best known for directing “Clerks” and executive producing “Comic Book Men,” said in February in a video posted shortly after the heart attack that he initially believed he had an upset stomach.
“I wound up getting ill, like threw up, but mostly bile,” Smith said, reported CNN. “So I just thought, like, you know, I got some bad milk.”

He knew something was seriously wrong, though, when he began struggling to breathe while sweating profusely.

Smith was rushed to a nearby hospital, where they discovered the heart attack and performed a surgery to relieve blockage of his left anterior descending artery, which supplies blood to the heart.

The artery is known as the widow-maker because it’s the harshest heart attack one can suffer, one expert said.

“They call it the widow-maker because it’s the most deadly heart attack you can have,” Dr. Ameya Kulkarni, a cardiologist at Kaiser Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical, told the American Heart Association in 2017.

Smith, whose father died from a heart attack, got emotional talking about what happened.

“I didn’t want to die, don’t get me wrong. But I was like, ‘Well, if the ferryman comes tonight, I got to pay him,’” Smith said. “What a ride it’s been. What an incredible [expletive]ing ride it’s been.”

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Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]
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