The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has said that a memo sent to the staff prior to Australia Day encouraging them to act “inclusively” towards Indigenous Australians was not an official document and that it should not have been disseminated.
“Some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians have mixed feelings about celebrating this day. Some consider it a day of mourning, and others use the day to mark the survival of their ongoing traditions and cultures.”
It has also been revealed that DFAT staff said they felt “embarrassed” by the contents of the email which they believed was an “insult” to their intelligence.

But despite media coverage amplifying the message of “change the date” advocates, polling on the matter has shown that a growing majority of Australians do not think a change is necessary.
However, amongst those under the age of 30, the figures were reversed with 64 percent viewing it as Invasion Day.