Detroit Poll Watcher Says Ballot Counting Stopped When GOP Poll Watchers Present


Detroit GOP poll watchers raise concerns about ballot-counting having stopped when they were at the tables, but large numbers of ballot-counting taking place later when they were not allowed near the tables.

While news networks were publishing news calling Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s campaign a victory, Michigan state legislators were having a hearing with the state House and Senate Oversight Committees on Saturday. Michigan Republican lawmakers issued a subpoena requesting documents related to the state’s election process.

Chair of the committee and Republican state Rep. Matt Hall said it was “to provide needed clarity to concerned residents.” Meanwhile, the Democrat House minority leader called it a partisan spectacle.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer wasted no time in taking the election results at face value, saying, “Now, with the election behind us, it is time for the American people to unite against our common enemy: COVID-19.”