When you search for the reason for disease, it is either rooted in toxin accumulation, nutrient deficiency, poor mindset, or genetic mutations. Usually, it is a combination of all three and they team up to make your life miserable with annoying or unbearable symptoms.
Taking the time to understand the cause of your pain and learning how to remedy it can be a daunting task. Where do you start? Which tests do you get? How do you know if you are rectifying the problem?
Aside from choosing a clean lifestyle (air, water, food, personal care products) and ridding yourself of accumulated toxins, one should consider nutrition and some of the most common deficiencies afflicting the world today, and learn about the physical signs and how to remedy them. Rectifying even one nutrient level from poor to good can make a substantial improvement in your health.
The Importance of Iodine
Iodine is a critical mineral required in adequate amounts in order to maintain good health. It is mostly known for its role with thyroid hormones, but it also is important in regulating blood pressure, moods, blood sugar, and cardiac rhythms. It also helps prevent and alleviate cancer (especially in breasts, ovaries, uterus, prostate, and thyroid gland), hypothyroidism (underactive), * hyperthyroidism (overactive) and autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid (Hashimoto’s Disease).Iodine is also very antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-parasitic, which makes it an excellent preventative to disease originating from these sources, as well as a remedy to overcome any that are directly related to them.
Iodine is also essential to normal growth and development. A deficiency in utero and during growth can result in severely stunted physical and mental development and the same issues can arise from an untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism). This can manifest itself through conditions such as delayed bone growth and puberty, infertility, cognitive difficulties, and goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland).
While the thyroid gland does contain the body’s highest concentration of iodine, the salivary glands, brain, cerebrospinal fluid, gastric mucosea, breasts, ovaries and a part of the eye also concentrate iodine. If one becomes deficient in iodine, any one of these areas that have high concentrations can fail to work appropriately, which opens the door for disease in these areas to take root.
Of all the elements known so far to be essential for human health, iodine is the most misunderstood and the most feared. However, iodine is the safest of all the essential trace elements, being the only one that can be administered safely for long periods of time to large numbers of patients in daily amounts as high as 100,000 times the RDA.

Physical Signs of Deficiency
So how do you know if you are deficient in inorganic iodine? Well, according to Dr. Brownstein, revered expert and author of the book Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, 94.7% of 500 patients he tested were deficient in inorganic iodine! This is certainly a sufficient sign that we need to look more closely into our current iodine needs.- Thyroid disorders (hypothyroid and hyperthyroid)
- Breast disease
- Excess mucous production
- Fatigue (often chronic)
- Lowered metabolism (difficulty losing weight)
- Infertility
- Cognitive impairments
- Anxiety, depression, or irritability
- Fibrocystic breasts
- Hemorrhoids
- Headaches and migraines
- Keloids
- Ovarian cysts
- Parotid duct stones
- Cancers (breast, ovarian, thyroid, prostate)
- Peyronie’s disease
- Sebaceous cysts
A Simple at Home Test to Check Iodine Levels
The beauty of the body is that it often gives you great feedback on what is going on internally, if you know what signs to look for or what simple tests you can do. The following is a great way to use that advantage:Iodine Deficiency Home Test
- Put a drop of inorganic iodine tincture on the inside of your wrist (Lugol’s 5% solution is highly recommended) first thing in the morning and spread it around to make it approximately the size of a large postage stamp. You can wick away any excess. Keep in mind iodine can stain so keep away from your clothes or any counters.
- Mark down the time you put it on your wrist. This is very important.
- Patch begins to lighten after 24 hours – ADEQUATE LEVELS
- Patch disappears, or almost disappears in 18-24 hours – MILD DEFICIENCY
- Patch disappears, or almost disappears in 12-18 hours – MODERATE DEFICIENCY
- Patch disappears, or almost disappears in 6-12 hours – SEVERE DEFICIENCY
- Patch disappears, or almost disappears in under 6 hours – VERY SEVERE DEFICIENCY

What to Do If You’re Iodine Deficient
If you find you are iodine deficient you may want to consider the following lifestyle, food, and supplemental tips below. Keep in mind, as you increase your iodine uptake you will want to repeat the iodine test above every 2 to 4 weeks (the more severe your deficiency, the longer you can wait) to get an idea of your current levels. For more severe cases, it can take 3-6 months (or more) with supplemental iodine to normalize your iodine levels.For best results, transition to a more healthy and holistic lifestyle. Your iodine levels have not been depleted just due to inadequate uptake through food, but also through various toxins that have displaced them out of your body. Adopting a holistic lifestyle is very important.
- Seaweed (Kelp, nori, kombu, etc)
- Oysters
- Eggs
- Cranberries (or pure cranberry juice)
- Yogurt
- Navy beans
- Strawberries
- Fish (Sardines, salmon, cod, tuna)
- Turkey breast
- Baked potato
- Salt (Pink Himalayan salt is best – avoid iodized salt)