Burmese junta forces fired airstrikes on a village in the country’s northwest on Thursday, killing at least eight civilians, as the military intensified efforts to tackle opposition groups, according to independent news reports.
US Condemns Burma’s Dissolution of Parties
David Eubank, who founded the Free Burma Rangers, described the situation in Burma as “the worst” he has seen in 30 years. The military junta fired over 30 airstrikes against civilians in Karenni State last month, he said.“I’ve never seen the Burma army come with such speed and force as they have now with Russian aircraft, jet fighters, attack helicopters, armor, multiple launches, rocket systems, and heavy artillery,” he told The Epoch Times.
At least two and a half million people in Burma had been displaced since the military seized control, with internally displaced persons (IDP) camps being the targets of many attacks, Eubank said.
“Almost every hiding place was hit by bombers, not military places, [but] IDP hiding places and also churches and schools, average about once a week,” he added.
He said that junta forces attacked Thantlang town shortly after launching airstrikes on Khuafo but did not elaborate.

“The terror acts of the NUG [National Unity Government] and its lackey so-called PDFs [People’s Defense Forces] are needed to be tackled for good and all,” he said.
“The [military] and the government also need to take action against this terrorist group, trying to devastate the country and killing people,” the junta leader added.

US Condemns Burma’s Dissolution of Parties
The military junta on Tuesday dissolved 40 political parties, including the party led by deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi, for failing to re-register by the deadline. The decision was made ahead of an election that the junta plans to hold later this year.The United States condemned the junta’s decision to abolish political parties, saying that “any election without the participation of all stakeholders in Burma would not be and cannot be considered free or fair.”

The pro-democracy resistance that arose allied itself with several ethnic minorities, including the CNA, that have been carrying out an armed struggle for decades seeking greater autonomy. The military has sought to suppress such opposition with air and artillery strikes, with civilians often the victims.

About 17,067 people have been detained since the military seized control, of which 5,264 are serving sentences. Some 150 people have been sentenced to death, according to the AAPP.
“These are the numbers verified by AAPP. The actual numbers are likely much higher,” the group said on Thursday.
Fifty junta troops raided and set fire to Sone village in Budalin Township, Sagaing region, on March 25, killing seven people, including visually-impaired persons. The AAPP said that 180 houses were burned down.