Dallas Audience Member Feels Blessed to Finally See Shen Yun Perform

Dallas Audience Member Feels Blessed to Finally See Shen Yun Perform
Kevin Clutterbuck and his mother Sharon Clutterbuck at the Winspear Opera House in Dallas, Texas, on April 16, 2022. Yawen Hung/The Epoch Times

DALLAS—Kevin Clutterbuck, director of finance for Spark Power Corp., and his mother Sharon treasured the experience of watching Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Winspear Opera House in Dallas, Texas, on April 16.

“Breathtaking, … this is breathtaking!” said Mrs. Clutterbuck, after attending the performance. “I have treasured Chinese culture for decades and to see this in person, … I’m blessed!”

“It’s the first time I’m here. … This is a birthday gift from my son,” she said.

Kevin was equally amazed at the beauty of Shen Yun.

“The colors, the dance, the stories, the history, it was wonderful!” he said. “We’ve been seeing the advertisements for years and been wanting to come for years, and I’m so glad we finally made it.”

Based in New York, Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company. Along with folk dances and solo performances, the production uses dance to tell tales from ancient Chinese culture up to the modern-day.
Shen Yun also utilizes a patented, digital backdrop that allows for seamless interaction between the dancers on stage and the background scenery.

“The CGI and being able to sit there and see the heavens coming to Earth, back and forth—quite honestly, that was the highlight for me,” Kevin said.

David Walters and Jennifer Allen at the Winspear Opera House in Dallas, Texas, on April 16, 2022. (Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times)
David Walters and Jennifer Allen at the Winspear Opera House in Dallas, Texas, on April 16, 2022. Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times
David Walters, CEO of Laserent Texas, and paralegal Jennifer Allen also attended the Shen Yun April 16 performance at the Winspear Opera House.

“It’s a wonderful show, … the colors, the beauty; it’s phenomenal,” Mr. Walters said.

“The dancers are amazing, … just phenomenal athletes. I have so much respect for them, … their dedication and their training to dance like that.”

Along with myths and legends, Shen Yun presents scenes of the present-day life of Falun Dafa practitioners, who live by moral teachings based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. The group has been persecuted in China since 1999.

Mr. Walters and Ms. Allen both agreed that the scene about the persecution was the most touching.

“It’s interesting that with the beauty of the dance, they’re still bringing out the facts,” Mr. Walters said.

“The government will not allow this type of dance, … will not allow this type of culture and history to be presented to the people. I think that Shen Yun does a very good job of representing the bright history and culture of China.”
Reporting by Yawen Hung, Sherry Dong and Jennifer Schneider.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.