Robert Unanue, an U.S. corporate leader who experienced cancel culture firsthand last year, became one of the first business people to stand up against a leftist mob that tried to boycott his products because of his support for former President Donald Trump.
“We need a reason to get up in the morning. Goya kept working because we’re an essential business. But all businesses are essential,” he said. “You need to be able to get up in the morning for God, family, and work. They want to cancel God, they want to close our churches.
“They want to redefine the family.”

Unanue made sympathetic remarks about Trump that day, comparing the president’s entrepreneurialism to that of his grandfather’s.
Critics of the former president, celebrities, and politicians, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and former Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro, denounced the brand or called for boycotts of Goya.
“I was there to give away 2 million pounds of food because our company was up and running courageously, all of our people. We never shut down. We had the best year of our life,” Unanue said. The food was donated to food banks nationwide.

“I used the word blessed. I said we were blessed as a country,” he said.
Despite many attempts to try to boycott the company, Goya Foods experienced its most successful year in 2020, with Ocasio-Cortez featured in a popular internet meme after being named the company’s “Employee of the Month” late last year.

“The most of those 15 million people in the restaurant business are minority, Hispanic, African American, all ethnicities,” he said. “And so, there’s a direct assault on the middle class, on the working class, a direct assault.”
Unanue called on people to unite and to draw closer to God.
“Some call for the Pledge of Allegiance to say one nation indivisible,” he said. “Now, what do they take out? ‘Under God.’ So we can’t be indivisible or united unless we’re ‘under God.’
“We need to not move away from God. We need to move closer to God.”