In early 2020, when the public first learned that a novel virulent virus was making people sick in China and around the world, it made sense to institute public health measures to protect against it.
Instead of open, honest discussion about the effectiveness of preventative measures and the different treatment options, the world was told that the only way out of the Wuhan coronavirus crisis was via mass vaccination. If the public understood that there were options for treating COVID-19 and that the infection was mild in more than 99 percent of the people who contracted it, they wouldn’t be as motivated to get a vaccine.
Profits Over People
Fear, it seems, is more contagious than any given infection. An imminent—or ongoing—apocalypse sells newspapers, blows up social media platforms, and can be parlayed into a breathtaking amount of financial gain.‘The Doctor Will Lie to You Now’
So, when Jerry Daniels, founder of Brothers Media Group, opened a panel during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas in August, with the insight that “COVID has everything to do with marketing,” for a session titled “The Doctor Will Lie to You Now,” it isn’t surprising that practically the entire audience was nodding in agreement.“What is marketing supposed to do?” Daniels continued. “It’s supposed to influence people to take action and do something.”
And much of public health’s job is “messaging,” that is, marketing the behaviors they want the public to adopt.
The Vaccine Doesn’t Work, so the Definition Was Changed
For nearly 15 years, from November 2007 to August 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) working definition of “vaccine” was: “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from the disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”But in September 2021, according to Daniels, U.S. public health authorities changed the definition of “vaccine.”

Are They Really Vaccines?
Three doctors participated in the CPAC panel in Dallas on Aug. 5: Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, and Brooke Miller.According to Malone, it’s highly problematic to call any of the injectables being used currently against SARS-CoV-2 “vaccines.”
The term “vaccine” traditionally refers to a product that provides “prophylactic protection against an infectious disease,” said Malone, a physician and research scientist who was part of the team that developed the mRNA technology used in several brands of the COVID-19 injections.
“We now have clear documentation that these products are not protecting against infection, replication, or spread of the virus, and the multiply-inoculated actually are having longer periods of infection.”
The COVID-19 injections, Malone said, don’t meet the criteria for a vaccine.
“Disagreement is the method by which we make scientific progress,” said McCullough, a cardiologist who has publicly voiced his concerns about the safety of the vaccines.
Miller, a family physician based in Virginia, said that he felt enormous pressure not to speak openly about his concerns about vaccine safety, and to not even ask questions about what the government health officials were saying about the safety, efficacy, and necessity of the COVID-19 injections.
“Fear is, in part, a business model,” Malone said. “You need to understand that CNN is generating profit by scaring our children and scaring our elders. It’s a profitable enterprise. We call it ‘fear porn.’”
But it was perhaps Daniels’s question that resonated most with us.
“Why in the world are we still giving a genetic ‘jab’ to people when we know that it’s killing them at record rates?” he asked. “Where is the sanity in that?”