Considering Physical Therapy for Your Pain? Here’s What to Think About

Considering Physical Therapy for Your Pain? Here’s What to Think About
If you’ve been thinking about visiting a physical therapist to help you ease pain and improve functionality, communication is essential. Dmytro Zinkevych/Shutterstock

Recurring joint pain can drive you crazy, especially if you don’t really know the cause. Is it muscular, are bones rubbing, is something off about the tissue in your shoulder, back, hip, or knee?

People can only put up with the pain and the effect on their lives for so long before they want to speak with a professional. If you’ve been thinking about visiting a physical therapist to help you ease pain and improve functionality, communication is essential.

Here are some of the things you’ll want to tell them so they can determine the best rehab routine for you.

The first thing they’ll want to know is how the pain is limiting your ability to carry out regular activities and move through life. They’ll want to know if you have trouble reaching over your head to grab a dish or bending over to put your socks on.

This information helps your therapist know how they can assist you and what your strengths, weaknesses, and range of motion are like.

Next, they'll want to know what your goals are. This can help them design a program that can help you hit those targets. If you want to be able to play tennis, go on a hike, or spend more time gardening, tell them.

If you’ve got an injury that’s keeping you from playing tennis, they'll focus on more than just limiting knee pain. They will work on strengthening the muscles around the joint and also work on balance and agility so you can safely get back on the court.

Finally, they‘ll want to know your commitment to the plan. They need to know if you’ll stick with it during therapy and take the initiative to do prescribed exercises at home when needed.

Be straight with them and be upfront if you’re not committed. That way, you can work together to find a plan that’s more suitable for you and that you’re likely to adhere to.

Physical therapy may help get rid of joint pain and restore the quality of life you’re looking for. It’s one piece of the puzzle, but it’s dependent on communication and engagement. Be honest and share with your therapist to get the most out of it.

Mat Lecompte is a health and wellness journalist. This article was first published on
Mat Lecompte
Mat Lecompte
Starting as a journalist over 10 years ago, Mat has not only honed his belief system and approach with practical experience, but he has also worked closely with nutritionists, dieticians, athletes, and fitness professionals. He embraces natural healing methods and believes that diet, exercise and willpower are the foundation of a healthy, happy, and drug-free existence.
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