Composer On Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra: ‘I never stopped crying’

Composer On Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra: ‘I never stopped crying’
Composer MyCall was touched by the Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra performance at Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, on Oct. 5, 2018. Dongyu Teng/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff

“I never stopped crying … It is very emotional. It is upbeat. It touches your heart. It has a boldness to it, a creativity. And the sound in here is just beautiful.”

“You just have to let the music direct you. And this music does direct you. It is well done. Just well done.”

“The combination, what they put together is just absolutely phenomenal.”

“A violin is not an easy instrument to play and the ones who are really strong in their instrument, you can see the emotions they put into it. Their emotion is into the playing. [Regarding Shen Yun violin soloist Fiona Zheng] You can see it in her face. You can hear it. And it touches you.”

“You don’t have to be religious, you don’t have to be anything, it touches your heart.”


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