Communist Goals Masquerade Under UN’s Sustainable Development Teacher Program

Communist Goals Masquerade Under UN’s Sustainable Development Teacher Program
The United Nations General Assembly chamber of the UN headquarters in New York in a Nov. 29, 2012, file photo. (Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images)
The globe is being fundamentally transformed by Sustainable Development (SD), a U.N. vision with communist undertones for the future that every “global citizen” must subscribe to and adopt, under the false pretense of protecting and preserving the planet for the future.
The U.N.’s Brundtland Commission on Global Governance defined SD as “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future.”
In 1992, a document called U.N. Agenda 21 spelled out just how the needs of the future were going to be met at all levels of government. The goals of the United States were then set by President Bill Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development, which stated “Sustainable communities encourage people to work together to create healthy communities where natural resources and historic resources are preserved, jobs are available, sprawl is contained, neighborhoods are secure, education is lifelong, transportation and health care is accessible, and all citizens have opportunities to improve the quality of their lives.”
But what if Americans did not buy into the U.N.’s SD agenda and did not wish to live in “inclusive and sustainable cities” with criteria set by unknown nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that appointed themselves as social engineers?
Under the program, teachers must be persuaded of its goals, and to assist in the global effort to implement SD. According to the 2016 Global Education Monitoring Report, “Teachers need to be trained to teach sustainable development and global citizenship.” Children must be taught early to be good environmental stewards and adults must be nudged in the same direction.
The SD promoters want teachers to go back to their classrooms and fundamentally transform their students by telling them that they do not belong to a distinct nation and culture with its own history, but to a borderless planet with sustainable ways of living set by U.N. Agenda 2030 goals.
The Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development (SD) and the University for Peace, which teaches alleged peaceful co-existence, joined forces to offer a $1,300 online International Professional Development Program (January 16-June 19, 2019) consisting of four courses, five seminars, and five real-time webinars.
The Earth Charter Center for SD Education’s mission is to promote issues such as alleged “community of life,” “economic justice,” and similar globalist political goals that masquerade as social activism.
Under the U.N. system, a teacher’s role is crucial in the fundamental transformation of their students into alleged good stewards of the environmentyoung people who will become global citizens and will build “more just, sustainable, and peaceful communities.”
Tom DeWeese, president of American Policy Center, aptly described in his book,Sustainable,” what the euphemisms in the SD language mean and what the SD goals are in this global communism attack on our national sovereignty.
People are encouraged to live in sustainable agri-communities with solar homes, no asphalt, no parking lots, no modern amenities that might endanger the environment, farming co-ops that conserve the land, water, and air, and no private property. But other Americans may not wish to live by these state-directed, pre-determined standards.
SD social engineers wish to shape attitudes in a desired collectivist direction through education. Academic achievement thus becomes secondary in the Common Core curriculum designed to shape “life-long” busy bees for globalism.
In a SD world, adults and young alike are nudged by visioning committees and facilitators to a predetermined and desired outcome.
Mandatory vaccinations, government control of what we eat, where we plant crops and how, weather modification to mitigate global warming, where we live, such as high-rise and mixed-used buildings, how we defend ourselves, forced mass migration into Europe and the United States, are all part of the “visioning” control of the population.
Do we really preserve natural resources, and for whom, by erecting endless jungles of wind turbines that chop up birds in-flight or by occupying agricultural land with huge solar panels, creating a heat flux that fries billions of birds attracted to the shimmer?
Do we really preserve history by locking away land under the pretext that some historical event happened there or a famous person wandered through the area?
What kind of green jobs is SD creating? We have not seen those in massive amountsquite the opposite.
SD considers suburbia “sprawl,” but some Americans prefer to live in single housing instead of SD-dictated stack-and-pack mini-apartments.
SD recommends the gradual removal of cars and replacing them with light rail and buses. But Americans love their car culture and the freedom of the road.
And global SD health care will be made accessible to all just like Obamacare falsely promised in 2010 that “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”
The five-month online course for teachers will develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values related to sustainability, and a sense of global citizenship. After a thorough indoctrination, teachers are expected to incorporate the values of SD into their curricula and educational practices in line with Goal 4 of U.N. Agenda 2030.
Topics will include “sustainability values and principles, planetary perspective, sustainable lifestyles, responsible consumption, global citizenship, transformative education, the role of mass media in SD, ecological, social challenges, and moral and spiritual education for sustainable living.” 
The course will be taught by American and international educators specializing in “inter-connections between ecology, economy, social justice, spirituality, and cosmology,” retired education lecturers, UNESCO SD specialists, and Earth Charter SD executives.
Americans are good stewards of nature and excellent conservationists. If they fail, the EPA will tell them and their businesses what they can and cannot do in personal and commercial activities. Do we need another layer of unelected government, comprised of international organizations telling us how to live and distribute our wealth?
Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.