Colorado senators on Feb. 11 rejected a bill that would penalize abortion providers who don’t give “appropriate medical treatment” for babies that survive an abortion.
The legislation, House Bill 1068—known as the Born Alive Child Physician Relationship Act—required abortion providers to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious physician would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”
The bill’s co-sponsor, State Rep. Shane Sandridge (R-Colo.), described the legislation as “a murder bill.”
Meanwhile, Jeff Hunt, director of the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University, said that babies who survive an abortion are “helpless children in need of medical care.”
“I’ve had people comment on this who are pro-choice, that this should be a no-brainer,” said Hunt. “The child is outside the womb. If you listen to pro-choice advocates, they don’t believe life begins until the child has breath in its lungs. Well, here are children with breath in their lungs.”
A separate pro-life bill, House Bill 1098, which would outlaw abortions past 22-weeks gestation, was also defeated along party lines by votes of 6-3 in the House State Veterans and Military Affairs Committee on Tuesday.
“Both of these bills had support from Coloradans across all political spectrums and neither received a fair hearing in the ‘Kill’ Committee,” said Colorado House Republicans. “We will always stand in defense of life. It is our duty to defend those who can’t defend themselves,” the group wrote on Twitter Wednesday.
It would allow abortions after that time if a pregnant woman’s physical health is endangered.