On June 7, the Collier County School Board (CCSB) in Flordia convened a public hearing to discuss textbooks being considered for adoption by their respective districts. They also heard comments from angry citizens regarding concerns of possible Critical Race Theory (CRT) content in those textbooks.
The hearing was attended by approximately 60 Collier County residents. Among them were the 15 citizens who had registered to have three minutes to address the board directly. While thirteen of those registered to provide comments were angry citizens who adamantly oppose the adoption of the textbooks—which they believe opens the door for teachers to indoctrinate their children with CRT—two were Collier County educators, who insisted there was nothing to fear.
Citizens Share Their Concerns
Prior to the meeting, Chad Taylor, a retired Marine and Naples resident, told The Epoch Times he first became involved in monitoring the activities of the CCSB due to his objection to their mask mandates. Taylor has an autistic son who cannot wear a mask for health reasons and he believes the board should have no authority to force children to wear masks. Now Taylor said the board’s overreach has spiraled into other things like promoting CRT in the classroom.“It focuses more on our differences than what we have in common,” Taylor said, “and that’s what they’re going to poison our children with unless we stand up and do something. It’s atrocious.”
“We don’t want it (CRT) drummed into our children’s heads,” Michelle Deiulis told The Epoch Times, “and we don’t want it in their textbooks.”
“This is important because it affects our children,” Rick Stevens, one of the founding directors of Florida Citizens Alliance and pastor of Diplomat Wesleyan Church in Cape Coral, Flordia, told The Epoch Times. “Too many people haven’t been paying attention to what school boards do and we all know that our elected officials will do whatever they can get away with. So it’s time for us to pay attention because what our children learn in school is what they live out later in life.”
Bill Oppenheimer was the first citizen to address the board, sharing a letter he had already sent to them, in which he said CRT is “a tool Marxists are using to destroy our country by dividing us rather than uniting us.”
His sentiments would be echoed by nearly every citizen who stood to address the board.
“I think these masks are horrible,” Selah told The Epoch Times. “Why does the school board even do this to children? How would they feel if we forced masks on them?”
Cook’s suggestion that schools eliminate CRT material from the classrooms and replace it with the content of the United States Constitution was met with enthusiastic applause.

Chad Taylor, who has previously spoken with The Epoch Times, directed the board’s attention to a book called “D is for Democracy,” which is currently being used in Collier County schools.
“This book teaches kindergarteners that the United States is a democracy, yet we’re a constitutional republic,” Taylor attested, adding that the book contains “a strong bias toward centralized government, when our Founding Fathers wanted a weaker central government.”
Another parent brought a teacher’s guide to the board’s attention. The teacher’s guide instructs teachers on how to present the information provided in the textbooks. Unlike textbooks, the Florida Board of Education does not require that teacher’s guides be made available to the public for review and consideration.
CCSB Conclusions
In his closing remarks, Blount made it clear that he disagreed with the teachers who dismissed the historical inaccuracies in “D is for Democracy” because it is only a supplemental “reader,” and not a “textbook.”“Without the user guide, you might not know that the foreward was written by Tyrone Howard,” Blount noted. “You might decide that’s important or not important. But you need to know it.”
However, Pushaw noted the same conclusion expressed by Blount about the use of “supplemental materials,” was shared by DeSantis.
“It’s important to note that Florida statutes require school boards to give the public a chance to review and contest the adoption of curriculum, including materials that a school district might adopt that are supplemental to state-approved materials,” Pushaw clarified to The Epoch Times. “Supplemental materials are not one and the same as the curriculum approved by the Florida Department of Education.”
It was also revealed at the hearing that the publisher of many books being considered by the CCSB—Houghton Mifflin Harcourt—had posted a “commitment” to BLM. For this, and other reasons revealed at the hearing, the board unanimously accepted Blount’s suggestion that they postpone their decision regarding the adoption of any books until these matters could be addressed.