Clorox is recalling several Pine-Sol cleaning products, citing a risk of exposure to bacteria with the products.
Pine-Sol, owned by Clorox, noted on its website: “Original Pine-Sol (Pine scent) is not included in this recall and you may continue to safely use it as intended.” This is the only of its products registered as a disinfectant.
- Pine-Sol Scented Multi-Surface Cleaners in Lavender Clean, Sparkling Wave, and Lemon Fresh scents
- CloroxPro Pine-Sol All Purpose Cleaners, in Lavender Clean, Sparkling Wave, Lemon Fresh, and Orange Energy scents
- Clorox Professional Pine-Sol Lemon Fresh Cleaners that have date codes printed on the bottle beginning with “A4” and followed by a five-digit number less than 22249, which represents products produced prior to September 2022.

Consumers can submit a request for refund at or the hotline 1-855-378-4982.
“You can expect to receive a check for the cost of the product plus approximate tax or the amount on the receipt within approximately 4–6 weeks,” the website reads.
According to the CPSC, to date, testing found bacteria in certain recalled products, including those produced between January 2021 and September 2022. In that period, Clorox produced approximately 37 million recalled products.
“The bacteria can enter the body if inhaled, through the eyes, or through a break in the skin. People with healthy immune systems are usually not affected by the bacteria.”