The Chinese communist regime recently blocked a memorial website for victims of the Cultural Revolution, a small online platform personally maintained by a Chicago University professor.
This was the second time the website was blocked by the regime.
The original website was launched in October 2000, but only survived for 17 months, before it was censored by the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) internet police. However, the stories Wang published garnered much attention from the American media outside China.

“We gave Youqin Wang the special contribution award hoping to encourage more people to make efforts to investigate the details of the bloody crimes conducted by the Chinese Communist Party,” said Zheng Fang, chairman of the CDEF during a phone interview with The Epoch Times. Fang himself became a victim of the CCP’s brutality in 1989, when both of his legs were crushed by Chinese military tanks during the massacre at Tiananmen Square.
But not long after Wang received the CDEF award in June, Wang was told by her readers in China that they were no longer able to access the new link.
This time, Wang’s website survived less than six months.

“History shall not be just a number [of a total death toll]. History shall be detailed stories of individuals,” Wang told The Epoch Times when explaining what motivated her to start collecting the victims’ stories.
The Red Guards were a student-led paramilitary social movement that was established during the Cultural Revolution by Mao’s followers.
Wang told The Epoch Times that through her own investigation, she identified more than 1,700 people who died because of political persecution in Beijing in 1966. At the high school she attended, besides the death of the vice principal, three teachers committed suicide because of political persecutions.
“Unlike Stalin’s ‘show trials,’ the Chinese ‘Struggle Session’ did not even attempt to feign legal proceedings. Unlike the Soviet Union’s organized and remote ‘Gulag Archipelago,’ the Chinese system of so-called “Cowsheds” were informal jails established at every workplace where not only millions of innocent victims were murdered but also poisoned the morality of the Chinese people.”
Wang was born in 1952 and grew up in Beijing. Both of her parents were college instructors. After the Cultural Revolution started in May 1966, her parents were both labeled as “counter-revolutionaries” because Wang’s father openly criticized the Cultural Revolution as unconstitutional. Both Wang’s parents personally lived through the CCP’s political persecution.
After high school, Wang was sent to Yunnan, a remote province in the western part of China, to receive reeducation by peasants. During the Cultural Revolution years, Mao sent all urban area young adults after their secondary education to countryside villages to be reeducated by peasants. The CCP called this process the “Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside Movement.”

After the death of Mao in 1976, China’s colleges and universities started admitting students in 1977 based on examinations. Wang took the exam in Yunnan Province and earned the top score in the province. However, no universities admitted her because her parents were considered counter-revolutionaries.
Wang took the exam again in 1979 and earned the top score in the whole country. She was finally admitted to Beijing University. Wang eventually got her Ph.D. in China and came to the United States in 1988 as a Chinese language professor at Stanford University.
In a phone interview with The Epoch Times, Wang said that during the Cultural Revolution, there were 63 people who died of political persecution at Beijing University, but only one of the victims’ remains were found and buried. Wang hopes the online Chinese Holocaust Memorial can serve as a final resting place of victims like the 62 whose bodies were never found.
Since the new website was established in January, many members of the victim’s families in China have visited Professor Wang’s online platform to read the stories of their loved ones who died during the Cultural Revolution.
This website is now no longer accessible to them.