The Chinese communist regime is shifting the blame of the recent COVID-19 surge in China’s Nanjing city to Russia. Meanwhile, a leaked internal official document shows that the regime sees Russia as the biggest source of imported infections.
On July 30, Ding Jie, deputy director of the Nanjing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stated at a press conference that the genetic sequence of the early reported cases of the cabin cleaners at the airport was consistent with the sequence of an imported case reported on flight CA910 from Russia on July 10. The cleaners worked on that plane.

Public information shows that the CA910 flight regularly travels from Moscow, Russia, to Nanjing via Air China. It runs every Saturday and the last flight was on July 17. According to Chinese state media, flight CA910 has been temporarily suspended as many as 10 times due to having infected passengers since last year during the pandemic.
The document is titled “Brief Report (Issue 396) of the Latest Situation of the National Epidemic Situation.” The report is marked as “internal material.”
The content of this briefing summarizes the status of the local epidemic and the imported cases including statistical tables.

According to the “Overseas Epidemic Import Statistics Table” in the document, the top five countries that are listed as sources of China’s imported COVID-19 cases are Russia (950), the United States (475), the United Kingdom (424), the Philippines (335), and the UAE (176). The Chinese regime regards Russia as the largest source of China’s imported cases, which is twice that of the United States.
U.S.-based current affairs commentator Li Linyi believes that based on the Nanjing authorities’ accusations against Russia and the CCP State Council’s internal document, it seems that the unified official rhetoric of the regime is to blame foreign countries for being the source of COVID-19 outbreaks in China. Otherwise, it will appear that the CCP officials are not efficient in fighting the epidemic, and it will be difficult for them to keep their official posts. Li told The Epoch Times: “In fact, the local COVID-19 infections in mainland China have never stopped, it’s just that the CCP has been covering it up. When it’s out of control and exposed to the public, the authorities then shift the blame to other countries.”