A Chinese dissident has condemned the World Health Organization’s findings on the source of the pandemic as a “farce,” adding that the Chinese regime is likely to leverage them to deflect responsibility for causing the global crisis.
According to Yuan Hongbing, a Chinese academic and vocal critic of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) living in Australia, the WHO investigation in Wuhan was akin to “a farce staged by the Chinese regime.”
“We could have predicted that this so-called investigation would come to this,” he said in an interview.
As a team of experts at the WHO wrapped up its trip on Feb. 9, Peter Ben Embarek, a Danish scientist who led the WHO mission, dismissed the theory that the CCP virus may have leaked from a virology lab as “extremely unlikely.” Bats, he said, remained a likely source.
Gordon Chang, author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” described Embarek’s comments as “intensely political.”
“This mission to Wuhan is heavily negotiated with conditions that were really essentially designed so they are not going to find out anything,” Chang told The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” program.
“I don’t know how WHO members can say that after such a cursory examination.”
The wet market went through a thorough cleansing in March 2020, destroying all the livestock and goods stored inside. Zhang Meng (alias), a volunteer who helped with the cleanout, said that they stripped everything bare during the process.
“Nothing was left save the metal board,” he said in a recent interview, adding that the WHO team had nothing to see there. “Everything was gone in a sweep.”

Chang also criticized Embarek for lending credibility to the idea that the virus could have been imported via frozen foods to the Wuhan wet market, where the first known cluster of cases emerged in December 2019. The investigator said transmission of the virus via frozen food is a possibility that warrants further investigation.
“Experts will tell you that yes, the coronavirus can survive on frozen food packaging, but nobody in any responsible position outside China thinks that it was a likely source of transmission,” Chang said.
“This is a parroting of a Beijing narrative,” he said. “This just shows you that the WHO mission is completely worthless—actually is worse than worthless because it’s throwing people off the trail.”

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Feb. 9 also questioned WHO’s findings, saying he doesn’t believe “they [experts] got access that they needed.”
“I must say the reason we left the World Health Organization was because we came to believe that it was corrupted, it had been politicized. It was bending a knee to General Secretary Xi Jinping in China,” he said in a Fox interview. He said the WHO announcement has not shaken his belief that “there’s significant evidence ... that this [virus] may have very well come from that laboratory.”
Heng He, a China affairs commentator, said that Daszak’s involvement in the research constituted a conflict of interest.
“Why did the WHO recuse him?” he said. “This is basically signaling to the CCP that the WHO will go along with its play.”