Chinese Character: Cháo 朝

The Chinese character cháo stands for morning or dawn and is also the character meaning dynasty.
Chinese Character: Cháo 朝
<a><img class=" wp-image-1773675" title="Sunrise-Guangxi-China-PhotosCom-134561423" src="" alt="" width="594" height="349"/></a>

The Chinese character 朝, pronounced cháo (like “ciao” in Italian), stands for morning or dawn and is also the character for dynasty.

朝, which originates from 卓, refers to the sun rising in the east while also symbolizing a new ruler taking the throne.

The 月 character on the right-hand side of 朝 refers to the early sunrise in the east at the time when the moon is still on the western horizon. 月 also symbolizes the previous royalty or kingdom.

Thus, 朝 is a very meaningful compound character referring to dynasty; it speaks to the rise of a new emperor at the beginning of a new era, just like the rise of a new sun in the early morning to replace the old moon.


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