Chinese Boy’s Finger Blown Off by Exploding Cell Phone

Chinese Boy’s Finger Blown Off by Exploding Cell Phone

A 12-year-old boy was seriously injured after a cell phone suddenly exploded while it was being charged in China.

Chinese media reported that Meng Jisu lost his right index finger and became blinded in his right eye due to the explosion, which occurred as the boy was reaching for the charging phone at his home in Guangxi province, China, on Jan. 31.

The blast left Jisu bloodied and unconscious. He was immediately transported to a hospital, where it took doctors five hours in surgery to treat Jisu.

The culprit is reportedly a 2-year-old Hua Tang VT-V59, a Chinese-made phone.

Jisu’s distraught older sister told Pear Video, a Chinese video platform, that after the explosion she found her brother covered in blood on the floor.

“Even the floor was covered in a lot of blood,” she said.

At the hospital, doctors found shrapnel in Jisu’s face which caused damage to his right eyeball. He also suffered injuries in the chest area and severe wounds on his right hand, local media reported.

During the five hour operation, doctors performed a skin graft on the boy’s arm to reattach the blood vessels on three fingers shattered by the blast.

Lan Tianbing, the doctor who treated Jisu, told Chinese media that the boy’s index finger was not brought to the hospital. But it was deemed too damaged to reattach in any event.

Doctors predict that Jisu’s hand will make a full recovery, regaining normal function in the future.

The boy is currently recovering in the hospital.

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