White ‘Spots’ on Belly Flesh of Mullet After Gutting

White ‘Spots’ on Belly Flesh of Mullet After Gutting
Dr. Lit, a Chinese medicine practitioner pointed out that saltwater fish infected with parasites or viruses may contain substances which are harmful to the human body. For example, if people who has trypophobia consume such fish, they must be cautious about any negative health effects such consumption might bring. (Courtesy of Dr. Lit)

Many Hong Kong people like to cook a savory Chiu Chow style frozen mullet in the summer, and the whole family will feast on it. However, most people do not pay attention to the internal condition of the fish after opening the fish belly.

On Aug. 4, a netizen posted on social media that an elderly family member bought a flat head mullet from Tai Po Center, but he found some “substances” inside the fish. He saw that the inside of the fish belly was covered with many white “dots” which looked like “tumors” or parasites, and it was terrifying to watch.

According to some Chinese medicine practitioners, “parasites gather in saltwater fish, which may have a negative impact on health.”

Flathead Mullet had “Substances” Inside.

Netizen Hui Ka posted a picture of a flat head mullet in a Facebook group “TAI PO“ and left a message: ”I just bought a fish in Tai Po Center, and there are a lot of white substances inside. I don’t know what it is. Does anybody know what it is? Is this some kind of virus?”
A photo of a mullet's belly with "white spots" was posted on Tai Po group on Facebook on Aug. 4, 2022 (Tai Po/Facebook via The Epoch Times)
A photo of a mullet's belly with "white spots" was posted on Tai Po group on Facebook on Aug. 4, 2022 (Tai Po/Facebook via The Epoch Times)

The incident sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens replied: “Suggest to refer to the oncology department.“ Some netizens also reminded the buyer to check carefully before completing his purchase to see if the ”product is good.“ ”It seems that this fish has cancer!”

There are also netizens who want the buyer to disclose the name of the stall so that no one else will be “stricken.” “Which fish stall did you buy it from? Tell us the name!” However, some people suggested that the fish should be thrown away immediately and not be eaten.

TCM Advice: Do Not Eat Fish that might be Contaminated

Dr. Cheung Wai-lit, a Chinese medicine practitioner, replied to this newspaper about the incident, “Brackish water fish infected with parasites or viruses may contain substances that are harmful to the human body. Whether the consumer is suffering from trypophobia or is a healthy person, he must be cautious about any negative health effects caused by the infected fish.”

He added: “The creepy photos are frightening. Even though cooking at high temperature may eliminate related parasitic or viral infections, it is not recommended to eat fish which might be contaminated.” He also stressed that everyone should be careful when preparing fish that are susceptible to contamination.

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