US Suspends Chinese Airlines from Entering the Country

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On June 3, the Trump administration announced a suspension on scheduled passenger flights of Chinese carriers to and from the United States as of June 16 in response to the failure of honoring the Air Transport Agreement between the two countries. The U.S. Department of Transportation indicated in the statement of the order that because the Chinese government failed to “permit U.S. carriers to exercise their bilateral rights to conduct passenger air service to China”, it is suspending “the scheduled passenger flights of Chinese carriers to and from the United States, effective by June 16, 2020.” The statement further indicated that this action may go into effect even before June 16.

The U.S. Department of Transportation had protested in writing to the Chinese Communist regime on May 22 in regards to this issue and asked four Chinese airlines to submit flight schedules to the U.S. government.

The United States has previously allowed Chinese commercial flights to and from the U.S. during the pandemic to facilitate the return of Chinese international students but the CCP still has not yet allowed American Airlines to fly to China. Delta Airlines and United Airlines have made their complaints to the White House, accusing the CCP of having double standards.

Nevertheless, the U.S. Department of Transportation also indicated that the purpose of this order is to encourage the Chinese Communist Party to adjust its policies and improve the current situation. This suspension is not to be maintained permanently and the United States is prepared to adjust this order at any time.

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