Study Reveals Employment Struggles for Hongkongers in the UK Under BNO Visa Scheme

Study Reveals Employment Struggles for Hongkongers in the UK Under BNO Visa Scheme
Simon Cheng (front left) and Finn Lau (Center) in a March commemorating the two-year anniversary of Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement in London on June 12, 2021. (Yanning Qi/The Epoch Times)
The UK’s BNO visa scheme, designed to facilitate Hong Kong residents’ relocation, has been operational for over two years. New research suggests that almost half of the Hongkongers who have taken advantage of this scheme face significant challenges in finding employment in the UK. Additionally, many are earning salaries below the UK’s national median for hourly and annual wages. With almost 50 percent reporting a career switch since their move, experts point to language and cultural adaptation as areas needing urgent attention.
To date, the UK government has not released comprehensive data regarding the settlement and employment status of Hong Kong immigrants. Addressing this gap, Assistant Professor Tse Fuk Ying from the University of Birmingham Business School partnered with the advocacy group West Midlands Hongkongers Support CIC to conduct an in-depth study. The online survey, which ran from May to July of this year, aimed to assess the employment landscape for Hong Kong residents who have relocated to the UK within the past three years.

Demographics and Initial Findings

A total of 449 individuals, split equally between males and females, participated in the survey. The majority (70 percent) were aged between 35 and 54, and a significant 68 percent held a university degree or higher. Geographically, about half resided in the West Midlands, while approximately 20 percent lived in either Greater London or Greater Manchester. The remaining participants were spread across other UK regions, with Northern Ireland as the sole exception. Notably, over half of the respondents have been residing in the UK for at least a year.
Prior to their move, respondents were predominantly employed in sectors such as education (12.03 percent), social services (10.91 percent), information technology (10.02 percent), and finance and insurance (9.35 percent). Over a third required professional qualifications for their roles in Hong Kong.

Employment Challenges: 37 Percent Unemployed, Career Switching Common

Among the survey’s participants, 62 percent are employed in the UK, but a concerning 37 percent remain jobless. Additionally, a third of the unemployed respondents have yet to actively seek employment. A minority of those employed (8.7 percent) have been laid off for reasons including company downsizing, underperformance, and task incompletion.
Those who have found employment in the UK are primarily in education and childcare (15.16 percent), clerical and administrative (9.03 percent), and healthcare sectors (8.39 percent), among others. Intriguingly, nearly half (47.74 percent) are employed in industries different from those they worked in Hong Kong, and about 17 percent (16.77 percent) report doing similar work but in a different sector.

Language Barriers and Job-Seeking Challenges

While nearly 40 percent of Hong Kong immigrants began job-hunting within three months of their UK arrival, the search for stable employment proves to be a complex endeavor. Although most survey respondents expressed a moderate level of confidence in their English proficiency, many raised specific concerns over vocabulary, understanding of the UK’s societal norms, conversational skills, and spoken expression.
About one in five respondents indicated low confidence in their English capabilities, particularly in spoken and listening skills. This linguistic challenge seems to correlate with their employment struggles; 45.9 percent identified “insufficient language skills” as the most significant hurdle in their job search. Additionally, other issues, such as transportation (32.1 percent) and a lack of job-seeking experience (26.5 percent), compound the difficulties. Surprisingly, despite these challenges, over 70 percent have not sought any form of online or in-person support for language or job-seeking skills.

Financial Realities: Earnings Skewed Toward Minimum Wage

In terms of earnings, the study reveals a skewed distribution towards the lower end of the wage scale. The majority of employed respondents earn between £10.6 and £11.99 per hour (approx. HKD 101.2 to 114.5), aligning closely with the UK’s current minimum wage of £10.42 for those aged 23 and above. Another significant segment earns £15 or more per hour (approx. HK$143.2). On the annual scale, about 26.7 percent have a yearly salary of £22,000 (approx. HK$210,000) or less.

While almost half of the respondents (45.8 percent) report stable monthly incomes, a notable 9.4 percent experience significant fluctuations in their earnings. This variability adds another layer of complexity to the already challenging landscape for Hongkongers navigating the UK job market.

Although respondents generally find their current roles fulfilling and beneficial for improving “soft skills,” such as language and communication abilities, their earnings often fall below the UK’s national median hourly and annual wage (£14.77 per hour and £33,000 per year as of April 2022). This wage disparity implies limited flexibility in work location and hours, potentially affecting their overall job satisfaction and career advancement opportunities.

Earnings and Career Progression

While relations with colleagues and supervisors are generally favorable, issues arise when respondents feel they’re not treated equitably or lack constructive feedback. Such experiences could adversely affect their views on promotion opportunities and performance evaluations. However, a silver lining exists: Over 70 percent of respondents feel their work is meaningful and aligns with their company’s philosophy and values, although less than a quarter see clear paths for career advancement.

Among the currently employed respondents, 62.9 percent are engaged in full-time work. A majority have direct employment contracts with their employers (87 percent), while a smaller percentage are contracted through employment agencies (7.6 percent). Two-thirds work between 31 to 40 hours a week, aligning with what most consider ideal, given factors such as income level, caregiving responsibilities, and commuting considerations. However, job satisfaction varies: while half are content with their working hours, around 10 percent are dissatisfied.

Chao Teng Hei, Director of the British Hong Kong Association, and Lee Dai Sing, a representative from West Midlands Hongkonger Support CIC, both highlight the evolving challenges faced by Hong Kong immigrants. These range from acclimatizing to the UK’s interview and CV-writing norms to more advanced career development issues. They advocate for targeted employment support and recommend collaborations between Hong Kong community groups, the UK government, and labor unions to address these challenges effectively.

Language Skills and Community Support

Despite their educational background and professional qualifications, many Hong Kong immigrants still face hurdles in navigating the UK job market. These challenges often arise from a limited understanding of local employment norms, insufficient job-seeking experience, or the complexity involved in transferring their qualifications to the UK setting.

Matt Pointon, Skills Partner at the Trades Union Congress, which represents 48 unions and over 6 million members in the UK, is actively exploring programs to enhance the English proficiency of Hong Kong immigrants. He underscores the importance of facilitating conversations with native English speakers to build language confidence and understanding of local contexts.

Interestingly, the study reveals that nearly 44 percent of the respondents are unaware of whether their workplace has a labor union, and only 28 percent report the presence of employee representatives who engage with management. Pointon attributes this gap to possible industry-specific variations and suggests that increased awareness is needed.

Lo Wei Zheng, Community Outreach Director at the “Good Neighbours Church in the UK,” echoes the sentiment that improving language skills is crucial. He also emphasizes the need to raise awareness about job-seeking techniques and labor rights among Hong Kong immigrants. His organization advocates for more consultation services, promotes community interaction, and seeks to provide greater visibility into various career paths.

Future iterations of this study plan to incorporate interviews and focus groups to further explore challenges specific to different industries and professions.

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