Maldives Says China is Building Projects at Inflated Prices

Maldives Says China is Building Projects at Inflated Prices
The undated photo shows Male, the capital of the Maldives. (Shahee Ilyas/Creative Commons 3.0)

NEW DELHI—Maldives’ new finance minister said on Nov. 26 that China is executing infrastructure projects at vastly higher prices than originally proposed but the island nation cannot get out of its commitments now.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s administration, which took office this month, is reviewing contracts awarded by his predecessor Abdulla Yameen. Most went to Chinese firms and are feared to have left the country in debt.

During a five-year building spree, China built a sea bridge connecting the capital city of Male to the main airport on another island and is developing the airport itself as well as building mass housing on land reclaimed from the sea.

But Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer told reporters during a visit to New Delhi that his officials had spend the first week in office trying to reconcile loans that the previous government took for these projects and the sovereign guarantees that it gave for them.

“We believe that most of these projects are at inflated prices, and so we are looking at them,” Ameer said.

But he said the government could not go back on the contracts because many of these, including the bridge, were already completed.

“We cannot do much in terms of renegotiation but going forward our objective would be to reduce the cost of our infrastructure projects,” he said.

One of the projects was a hospital in Male awarded to China which had already run up a cost $140 million, far more than a rival offer $54 million that was originally made, Ameer said.

Signs of the infrastructure boom are everywhere in Male, from where tourists are whisked off in high speed boats to luxury resorts built on atolls.

Yameen also leased Chinese developers an unspecified number of islands to build resorts for tourists, a fifth of whom are Chinese, in a dramatic expansion of ties since Beijing opened its embassy in the Maldives eight years ago.

China has built ports, bridges and highways in countries stretching from Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and its ally Pakistan as part of its One Belt, One Road (OBOR, also known as Belt and Road) initiative for a trade and transit corridor across Asia and into Europe.

But of late it has faced criticism that many of its massive projects costing millions of dollars are pushing the smaller countries into debt.

India, which has been traditional partner for most of the South Asian countries, has in addition viewed the expansive Chinese diplomacy as aimed at securing an outpost in some of the island nations such as Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

Maldives’ foreign minister Abdulla Shahid said he had assured Indian leaders that his country wanted the best of ties with its immediate neighbors and would return to an “India First” policy.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended Solih’s inauguration and said India stood ready to help the country tide over its financial difficulties.

China has underwritten millions of dollars in loans for infrastructure in the Maldives, located along its busy shipping route to the Middle East.

By Sanjeev Miglani