Looking Back at Hong Kong’s Fight for Autonomy

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The protestors gathered in front of the U.S. embassy in Hong Kong:

“If we are the chosen one in this generation, then we have the obligation to do, to continue doing, and to persist; if we are destined to hold on to the last line of defense for Hong Kong’s freedom, then we cannot give up….”

“One day, we will gather together at Admiralty, and the Civic Square being our witness, we will not accept the government’s request because our deceased friends will not forgive us.”

“Hongkongers, come on!”

“The people who are standing here today, I hope you hold your right hand up high and point up towards the sky, let’s sing this song together.”

Glory to Hong Kong

We pledge: No more tears on our land, In wrath, doubts dispell’d we make our stand. Arise! Ye who would not be slaves again: For Hong Kong, may Freedom reign!

Though deep is the dread that lies ahead, Yet still, with our faith, on we tread. Let blood rage afield! Our voice grows evermore: For Hong Kong, may Glory reign!

Stars may fade, as darkness fills the air, Through the mist a solitary trumpet flares: Now, to arms! For Freedom we fight, with all might we strike! With valour, wisdom both, we stride!

Break now the dawn, liberate our Hong Kong, In common breath: Revolution of our times! May people reign, proud and free, now and evermore, Glory be to thee, Hong Kong!

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