‘Huawei Exposed’: The Epoch Times Hosts Panel Discussion


Dec. 20, 11:00 am EST, National Press Club (Lisagor Room), Washington, D.C.

Video starts at 5:35
Joshua Philipp, Senior Investigative Reporter, The Epoch Times (bio below)
Louisa Greve, Director for External Affairs, Uyghur Human Rights Project (bio below)
Moderator:  Stephen Gregory, D.C. Bureau Chief & Publisher, The Epoch Times
A new in-depth report on China’s Huawei exposes it as a powerful tool of the Chinese Communist Party.
“Huawei plays a key role in the Chinese Communist Party’s programs of mass surveillance, human rights abuse, and technological dominance.” — The Epoch Times Editor-in-Chief Jasper Fakkert
  • The world’s biggest telecom company, Huawei—which works hand-in-glove with the Chinese Communist Party—is positioning itself to dominate 5G technology, potentially gaining access to a large portion of data transfers worldwide.
  • The Chinese Communist Party has detained Canadian citizens likely in retaliation for the recent arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou by Canadian authorities.
  • Huawei was involved in creating China’s “Golden Shield” internet censorship infrastructure; the incipient “social credit system” to track and rate citizens based on behavior; and video monitoring project “Heaven Net” (tian wang). Many of Huawei’s clients are Chinese state-security related.
Louisa Greve is the Director for External Affairs of the Uyghur Human Rights Project. She is an expert on human rights in China and an experienced non-profit advisor. She was formerly the East Asia Director at the National Endowment for Democracy. She is the author of several book chapters on ethnic issues and human rights in China.
Joshua Philipp is a senior investigative reporter at The Epoch Times. He specializes in analysis on politics, cybersecurity, and defense. His investigations over the last decade into connections between Chinese consulates, spy networks, and organized crime circles gives him unique insight into the global threat Huawei poses.
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