Groups Outside Mainland China Decry CCP Tyranny on Its 100th Anniversary

Groups Outside Mainland China Decry CCP Tyranny on Its 100th Anniversary
Scores of exiled Tibetans, Hong Kongers, Chinese dissidents, and others burn down the flags of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and present a black coffin for the CCP in protest of its brutal rule in China in front of China's consulate general in New York City, on July 1, 2021, its 100th anniversary. Huang Xiaotang/The Epoch Times
Frank Yue
In multiple countries, groups launched protests in front of China’s consulates and denounced the brutal rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in China on July 1, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CCP.

The United States

On July 1, scores of residents from the Greater New York region rallied in front of China’s consulate general in New York City to protest the CCP’s brutal rule in China. They burned down the red flags of the CCP that represent bloodiness and brutality. They also displayed a black coffin, which signifies a curse upon the organization, wishing for it to meet its end as soonest as possible.

The whole day’s rallies were divided into morning and afternoon parts. Different groups took their turns to show up. In the morning, the Democracy Party of China (DPC), the Chinese Democracy & Human Rights Alliance (CDHRA), and the Shanghai National Party were present; while in the afternoon, Students for a Free Tibet, the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress of NY & NJ, and Humanitarian China were there.

In Seattle, about 25 demonstrators assembled at the Westlake Center and protested the CCP’s atrocities, most of whom were non-Chinese Americans. Each participant was requested to deliver a three-minute speech.

Wang Jing, a Seattle-based female asylum seeker and a volunteer for pro-democracy organization June 4 Tianwang, was a former survivor of the CCP’s dictatorship before she successfully fled communist China to the United States. At the CDHRA-initiated rally, she referred to the CCP as “the wickedest and bloodiest ruling party ever in human history.”

“The unprecedented wartime-like preparedness for celebrating the event in Beijing,” Wang asserted. “The CCP is destined to end up in ultimate horror and frenzy. Let’s burn down its bloodthirsty flags to wish an earlier doomsday for it!”

In Los Angeles, protesters launched a photo exhibition titled 100 YEARS OF CCP ATROCITIES to substantiate the CCP’s abuses. Another board displayed specific funding that the CCP received from The Communist International (Comintern), to show undisclosed ties between the CCP and its counterpart in the former Soviet Union.

Photo exhibition of the CCP's abuses in China, in front of China's consulate in Los Angeles, on July 1, 2021. (Xu Xiuhui/The Epoch Times)
Photo exhibition of the CCP's abuses in China, in front of China's consulate in Los Angeles, on July 1, 2021. Xu Xiuhui/The Epoch Times

A row of portraits with black frames was also displayed to appear like a mourning hall, including images of Chinese leader Xi Jinping, Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam, and Hong Kong’s acting chief executive and former head of Security Bureau John Lee.

Rally participants included Fang Zheng, head of the Chinese Democracy Education Foundation (CDEF), and Cheng Kai, former editor-in-chief of China’s state-run Hainan Daily. Both were the survivors of the CCP’s persecution of the Tiananmen Square protests. Fang himself lost his two legs, which were run over by one of the CCP’s tanks during the June 4 massacre in 1989.


In Toronto, more than 500 protesters gathered at Grange Park, located in downtown Toronto, to voice their anger at the CCP’s evil doings on July 1. They came from about 20 groups, including the Federation for a Democratic China (FDC), the Formosan Association for Public Affairs Canada (FAPA Canada), the Canada-Hong Kong Link, RU Stand with Hong Kong, Viet Tan Toronto, and others.
Around 20 groups stage protests against the CCP's abuses in Toronto, Canada, on July 1, 2021. (Yin Ling/The Epoch Times)
Around 20 groups stage protests against the CCP's abuses in Toronto, Canada, on July 1, 2021. Yin Ling/The Epoch Times

A host of activists delivered speeches, railing against the CCP’s suppression of pro-democracy movements.

Sheng Xue, vice chairman of the FDC Global, stated that the world is no longer safe due to the presence of the CCP.

“For the past century, the CCP has committed crimes against the whole human race in history,” Sheng said. “It’s a combination of three malignant tumors for mankind—Fascism, terrorism, and communism. As a terrorist regime, it has incurred more damage to this world than any other power, which has proved to be an iron-clad fact.”

Gloria Fung, president of the Canada-Hong Kong Link, noted that what lies behind China’s economic growth and seemingly more advanced infrastructure is the iron boot on Tibetans, Uighurs, Mongolians, other minority groups, and dissidents.

“We, in a democratic society, are morally responsible for speaking up for those under authoritarian regimes,” said Fung. Additionally, she accused the CCP of posing a huge threat to global democracy for its ubiquitous infiltration, manipulation, and hostage-diplomacy: Canadian citizens Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor have been placed under arbitrary detention for 30 months.

Demonstrators walked four kilometers (2.5 miles) all the way down Spadina Avenue to the CCP’s consulate in the city.

Similar assemblies and protests broke out in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, some citizens were seen wearing black to show their defiance to the CCP’s erosion of the city’s freedoms; and sporadic protests were organized by the League of Social Democrats, the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (the HKCTU), and other groups at Wan Chai and Mong Kok, even though rallies are under a harsh ban in the name of the local national security law, VOA reported.

As of 9:00 p.m., at least 19 residents were arrested, including Alexandra Wong, a white-haired female activist.

Hong Kong police arrests Alexandra Wong, a white-haired native activist, on July 1, 2021. (Song Bilong/The Epoch Times)
Hong Kong police arrests Alexandra Wong, a white-haired native activist, on July 1, 2021. Song Bilong/The Epoch Times

Three members of Student Politicism were surrounded by scores of police officers and arrested as soon as they reached Mong Kok. Fortunately, they were released on bail around 10:30 p.m.

Around 10:00 p.m., a male resident suddenly attacked a police officer with a knife in Causeway Bay. After injuring the policeman, the man stabbed his own chest to commit suicide. He was brought under control and sent to a hospital. Around 11:00 p.m., he died after treatment failed.

Later, it was found the attacker was Leung Kin-Fai, director of the Hong Kong Purchase Department of Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd., according to Stand News.

Further findings show Leung had no previous criminal record. He left a suicide note which read that he was dissatisfied with Hong Kong police who shelter criminals.

Frank Yue
Frank Yue
Frank Yue is a Canada-based journalist for The Epoch Times who covers China-related news. He also holds an M.A. in English language and literature from Tianjin Foreign Studies University, China.
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