A total of 415 million Chinese people have quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations as of July 23, 2023, according to the U.S.-based Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP (“Tuidang Center”) on Sunday.
Local Falun Gong practitioners gathered on Sunday in Goshen to protest against the CCP’s persecution of the spiritual practice of Falun Gong and to raise public awareness of the CCP’s genocide targeting the Falun Gong adherents. They also celebrated over 400 million Chinese people quitting the CCP.
“The Tuidang movement is the most peaceful and effective way of correcting the fundamental problems facing China today. The Tuidang movement is the most peaceful and effective way to disintegrate the CCP—an evil force that destroys humanity. The Tuidang movement provides for forgiveness and compassion. We believe the Tuidang movement is a blessing from the Holy Creator to the Chinese people and therefore to the whole world,” said Ms. Yi.

Through the work of volunteers in China and around the world, renunciation statements are collected and posted to the Tuidang Center’s Chinese-language website.
Tuidang Movement: ‘Hope for a New China’
Chinese people who grow up in mainland China are forced to make a vow to the CCP when they go to elementary school, which is that they will give their blood for the CCP, they will sacrifice their life for the CCP, and they will never betray the CCP. It is the beginning of a lifelong process of brainwashing that binds them in a very deep spiritual way to the CCP.Under the communist system, children as young as 6 years old are required to join the Young Pioneers and to swear an oath to be ready to contribute “all their strength” to communism.
Children in high school are asked to join the Communist Youth League on a semi-compulsory basis and are required to make a similar vow again.
When they are grown up, they are required again to make a vow to dedicate their lives and their blood to struggle for communism.
The Tuidang Movement seeks to gradually disintegrate the Party by encouraging each Chinese person to withdraw the vows they have given to the CCP, from the Young Pioneers, the Communist Youth League, and the Party, which is known to Chinese people as “the Three Withdrawals,” or Tuidang in Chinese.
The series comprehensively exposes the bloody history of the CCP and gives an in-depth analysis of the deceptive, violent, cultish, and rogue nature of the Party in different areas of history, politics, economy, culture, and faith.
On Jan. 12, 2005, The Epoch Times published a statement calling for Chinese people to withdraw from the CCP and its related organizations.
Tuidang is facilitated in China by an estimated 20 million volunteers, many of them practitioners of Falun Gong, a traditional spiritual practice targeted for eradication by the CCP since 1999.

Leaving pamphlets and posters on doorsteps, parked bicycles, in public transit, on telephone poles, sending mass text messages, or calling their fellow citizens directly, these volunteers risk detention and torture to spread information about the movement.
Outside China, volunteers place calls to China asking individuals to renounce the Party or give the Chinese the opportunity to do so at tourist sites or in Chinatowns in cities and countries around the world.
Their efforts have paid off.
“The fruits of their efforts are the 415 million hearts and souls registered on the tuidang.org website. These 415 million men and women are the hope for a new China,” said Ms. Yi.
‘Support Chinese People’s Desire for Freedom’
The Tuidang Center also initiated an End-The-CCP petition drive to raise awareness of the CCP’s global threat in 2020 amid the outbreak of the pandemic. It allows people around the world to call for an end to the CCP. More than 3.6 million people have signed on so far, said Ms. Yi.“This shows that we are not alone. It shows that people everywhere can identify humanity’s common enemy in the CCP,” she said.
The petition website remains open for more signatures.
She called upon “the entire international community to support the Tuidang movement, support the Chinese people’s desire for freedom.”
“It is time to end the evil CCP,” she said.